Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Özkan AKMAN
Birimi Eğitim Fakültesi
Bölüm Türkçe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü
Ana Bilim Dalı Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı
Telefon (246) 211-4651
E-Posta E-Posta Adresini Göster
ORCID ID 0000-0002-8264-3178
Akademik Hesaplar
Google Scholar Hindex: 14
Alıntı Sayısı: 517
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  • Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 EŞKİ ERTUĞRUL HALİL, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Development of Museum Education Activities for Social Studies Course and Evaluation of their Effects on Students Academic Achievement. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES) Doi: 10.46328/ijonses.555, (2023), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 2 AÇIKGÖZ BEDRİYE, AKMAN ÖZKAN, The Relationship between Epistemological Beliefs and Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK). International Journal of Technology in Education, 6(2), , 326-348. Doi: 10.46328/ijte.425, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 3 SAĞLAM MERVE, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Social Studies Teachers Views on the Turkish Education System: Current Problems and Suggested Solutions. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES) Doi: 10.46328/ijres.3153, (2023), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 4 SAMUR HAYATİ, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Analysis of Environmental Literacy Levels of Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal on Social and Education Sciences (IJonSES) Doi: 10.46328/ijonses.588, (2023), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 5 AKMAN ÖZKAN, KARAASLAN HÜSEYİN, BAYRAM FATMA ÖZGE, Investigation of sustainable development awareness levels of social studies teacher candidates. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(3), , 545-558. Doi: 10.46328/ijemst.2954, (2022), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 6 EKİNCİ HÜSAMETTİN, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Evaluation of Syrian Secondary School Students’ Perception of Social Sciences with Draw-Write-Tell Technique. VAKANÜVİS- Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi/ International Journal of Historical Researches , 82-115. (2021), (Diğer)
  • 7 AKMAN Özkan, ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, Teacher Candidates’xx Opinions toward Money and Purchase Behaviors Based on Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno’xxs Theory of Leisure Industry and Mass Culture: A Qualitative Research. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 5(1), , 36-51. (2019), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 8 AKMAN Özkan, Effect of Technology Assisted Micro Teaching Practıces on the Perception of Technology Usage of Social Studies Teacher Candidates. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational Social Sciences (EPESS) (2018), (Diğer)
  • 9 AKMAN ÖZKAN, ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, Relation between Metacognitive Awareness and Participation to Class Discussion of University Students. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), , 11-24. Doi: 10.13189/ujer.2018.060102, (2018), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 10 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Examining the In-Service Needs of Social Studies Teachers in the Field of Teaching Technology. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational Social Sciences (EPESS) (2018), (Diğer)
  • 11 AKMAN ÖZKAN, An Investigation of the Effect of Entrepreneurship Course on SocialStudies Teacher Candidates. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational Social Sciences (EPESS) (2018), (Diğer)
  • 12 AKMAN Özkan, ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, A Study on Environment - Oriented Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Level of Teacher Candidates. journal of education and practice (2017), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 13 YILDIRIM SEFA, AKMAN Özkan, ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, The Level of History Teachers’ Use Active Learning Methods and Technics . International Education Studies, 10(12), Doi: 10.5539/ies.v10n12p140, (2017), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 14 AKMAN ÖZKAN, ÖZEREN ENDER, yiğen veysel, Examination of Teachers’ Metaphors Concerning with School Concept. international journal of social science research (2017), (Diğer)
  • 15 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Teacher Candidates’xx Attitudes, Knowledge Levels and Sensitivitiestowards Environmental Problems. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(10), , 1-16. (2017), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 16 AKMAN Özkan, KOÇOĞLU EROL, Examining Technology Perception of Social Studies Teachers with Rogers Diffusion Model. International Education Studies (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 17 ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, AKMAN Özkan, A study towards views of teacher candidates about national and global environmental problems. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 18 AKMAN Özkan, Study of self efficacy perceptions of Social Studies teacher candidates on educational internet usage. Educational Research and Reviews (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 19 AKMAN Özkan, Status of the Usage of Active Learning and Teaching Method and Techniques by Social Studies Teachers. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(4), , 1553-1562. Doi: 10.13189/ujer.2016.040708, (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 20 AKMAN Özkan, KOÇOĞLU EROL, EVALUATİON OF SOCİAL STUDİES TEACHERS OPINIONS TOWARDS IN SERVCE EDUCATİON. internatonal journal of eurasia social science (2016), (Art Index (Art Research Database, EBSCO))
  • 21 AKMAN Özkan, Social Cognitive Career Model for Social Studies Teacher Candidates Leadership in Educational Technology. International Journal of Progressive Education, (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 22 AKMAN ÖZKAN, KOÇOĞLU EROL, Investigation 8th Grade Students Secondary School Cognitive Structure about Principles of Ataturk through Word Association Test. Journal of Education and Training Studies (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 23 ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Anthropocentric or Ecocentric Environmentalism Views of University Students. Higher Education Studies (2016), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • 24 AKMAN Özkan, GÜVEN CEMAL, Analysis of TPACK Self Efficacy Perception Levels of Social Studies Teachers and Pre Service Teachers. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research (2015), (Diğer)
  • 25 AKMAN Özkan, GÜVEN CEMAL, TPACK Survey Development Study for Social Sciences Teachers and Teacher Candidates. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (2015), (Journals Indexed in Eric)
  • Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
  • 1 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Secondary School Students' Views on the Use of Virtual Reality Technology in Historical Subjects in Social Studies Course. International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 2 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Prospective Social Studies Teachers' Views on School Environments Outside the Classroom. International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 3 AKMAN ÖZKAN, DURGUN KÜBRA, Investigation of 6th Grade Students' Cognitive Structures Towards the Concepts of Barcode, Banderol, Patent, Piracy, R&D, and Copyright. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES) (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 4 BUDAK ÖZLEM MURAZ, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Determination of Secondary School Students' Cognitive Structures towards Concepts Emerging After the French Revolution with Word Association. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 5 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Opinions of Prospective Social Studies Teachers on Distance Education during the Pandemic Process. International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 6 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Inequality of Opportunity in the Context of Technology in Education: Problems and Solution Suggestions. International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 7 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Investigation of Inclusive Education for Refugees in Social Studies Course. International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 8 AKMAN ÖZKAN, AYAN DURSUN, Oral History Practice in Teaching Social Studies. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE) (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 9 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SAMUR HAYATİ, Analysis of Environmental Literacy Levels of Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers in Terms of Various Variables. International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 10 AKMAN ÖZKAN, ekici kübra, Subject Origination and Methodical Analysis of Thesis Made in the Field of Social Studies Education in Turkey. International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 11 AKMAN ÖZKAN, ekici kübra, koçak zeynep, erdem cemil can, Metaphor Perceptions of Social Studies Teachers Regarding the Conceptions of Freedom and Justice. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 12 AKMAN ÖZKAN, AÇIKGÖZ BEDRİYE, Classroom Teachers' Metaphorical Perceptions Regarding the Concepts of Independence and Struggle. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 13 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SAĞLAM MERVE, Current Problems and Solutions for Social Studies Course. International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 14 AKMAN ÖZKAN, EŞKİ ERTUĞRUL HALİL, Developing Museum Education Activities for the Social Studies Course and Evaluation of their Effects on the Academic Success of Students . International Conference on Social and Education Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 15 AKMAN ÖZKAN, AÇIKGÖZ BEDRİYE, Examination of the Relationship between Epistemological Beliefs of Primary School Teachers and Social Studies Teachers, and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 16 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SEVİM AYŞENUR, DEMİREL SEHER, YILMAZ HAVVANUR, Metaphorical Perceptions of Social Studies and Classroom Teachers on the Concepts of Non-Governmental Organizations and Global Citizenship. International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 17 AKMAN ÖZKAN, TÜTÜNSATAR HATİCE EVRİM, YETİŞEN SERDAR, Institute of Applied Culture and Arts for Children: “Environmental Literacy with Art”. International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 18 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SAĞLAM MERVE, Opinions of Social Studies Teachers on Turkish Education System: Current Problems and Suggested Solutions. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), November 6-9, 2021, Antalya/Turkey (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 19 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SAMUR HAYATİ, Educational and Cultural Policies of the Karakhanid Period. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), November 6-9, 2021, Antalya/Turkey (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 20 AÇIKGÖZ BEDRİYE, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Opinions of Classroom Teachers on In-service Training. International Conference on Science and Education (IConSE), November 6-9, 2021, Antalya/Turkey (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 21 AYAN DURSUN, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Multi Directional Investigation of Parents' Views on the Social Studies Course. International Conference on Research in Education and Social Sciences (ICRESS), June, 10-13, 2021, İstanbul/Turkey (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 22 AYAN DURSUN, AKMAN ÖZKAN, An Experimental Study on the Use of Mobile Learning in the Turkish Republic Revolution History and Kemalism: Adıyaman Provinve Example. International Conference on Research in Education and Social Sciences (ICRESS), June, 10-13, 2021, İstanbul/Turkey (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 24 AKMAN ÖZKAN, parlak fahriye dilan, Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri Dersine Yönelik Tutumlarının Çok Yönlü İncelenmesi. International Congress Of Eurasian Social Sciences (ICOESS) (2018). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 25 AKMAN ÖZKAN, AN INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE ON SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES) (2018). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 ÇAY MUSTAFA MURAT, AKMAN ÖZKAN, Review of the Case of Blood Libel as an Anti-Semitic Discourse According to the Ottoman Documents. Turkish Studies, 15(1), , 43-72. (2020), (TR DİZİN)
  • 3 AKMAN Özkan, ÇARŞANBALI ÇİĞDEM KILIÇ, ALAGÖZ BÜLENT, Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenlerinin Değer Eğitiminde Örtük Programa Yönelik Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (KEFAD) (2017), (TR DİZİN)
  • 4 AKMAN Özkan, uğur bastık, Sosyal Bilgiler Ders Kitaplarında İhtilaflı Konular İçerisinde Yer Alan Aile Kavramının İncelenmesi. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), (2016), (TR DİZİN)
  • 5 KOÇOĞLU EROL, AKMAN Özkan, Perspective of Social Studies Teachers Learning Outcomes of the Evaluation. turkish studies (2016), (TR DİZİN)
  • 6 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Patoğlu Emrah Berkant, Ortaokul Sosyal Bilgiler ders kitaplarında yer alan itilaflı konuların incelenmesi İçerik analizi çalışması. Journal of Research in Education, Science and Technology (2016), (Diğer)
  • Kitap
  • 1 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Yurtdışında Tarih Eğitimi(2023). İBER Akademi Yayınları, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING II: Thinking on Social Studies within the Framework of 21st Century Skills(2023). ISTES Organization, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 3 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Social Studies Teaching 1(2022). ISTES Organization, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 4 AKMAN ÖZKAN, SAMUR HAYATİ, Turkish Education History(2021). ISRES Publishing, International Society for Research in Education and Science (ISRES), Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 5 AKMAN ÖZKAN, Social, Political, Economic and Other DevelopmentsOccurred in Turkey between the Years of 1980-2000(2020). ISRES Publishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 6 AKMAN Özkan, YAVUZ NURİ, KARA ABDULLAH, Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980(2019). ISRES PUPLİSHİNG, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 7 MEYDAN ALİ, AKMAN Özkan, Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other DevelopmentsOccurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980(2019). ISRES PUPLISHING, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 8 AKMAN Özkan, MEYDAN ALİ, Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other DevelopmentsOccurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980(2019). ISRES PUPLISHING, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 9 AKMAN Özkan, MEYDAN ALİ, Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other DevelopmentsOccurred in Turkey between the Years of 1923-1938(2018). isres puplising, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 10 MEYDAN ALİ, AKMAN Özkan, Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey Between the Years of 1923-1938(2018). ısres puplising, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 11 AKMAN Özkan, New Approaches in Social Studies Education(2017). isres puplishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 12 AKMAN Özkan, Research Highlights in Education and Science 2016(2016). eğiten puplishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • Editörlük
  • 1 SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHING II Thinking on Social Studies within the Framework of 21st Century, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 10.12.2023 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering, Science, and Technology , Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 14.12.2022 - 30.12.2022 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 3 Social Studies Teaching I, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 12.12.2022 - 30.12.2022 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 4 Education, Social, Health and Political Developments in Turkey between 2000-2020, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 16.12.2021 - 17.12.2021 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 5 Turkish Education History, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 20.12.2021 - 28.01.2022 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 6 EDUCATIONALAND SCIENCE OCCURRED INTURKEY BETWEEN THE YEARS OF1980 - 2000, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 06.12.2020 - 17.12.2020 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 7 Social, Political, Economic and Other DevelopmentsOccurred in Turkey between the Years of 1980-2000, Araştırma Kitabı, Editör, 11.12.2020 - 13.12.2020 (ULUSLARARASI)
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