Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Mehmet AVCAR
Birimi Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
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ORCID ID 0000-0002-0689-0601
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Google Scholar Hindex: 32
Alıntı Sayısı: 2712
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Katı Cisimler Mekaniği,Homojen Olmayan Malzemelerden Oluşan Çeşitli Yapı Elemanlarının Titreşimi ve Stabilitesi
  • Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 Sabherwal Pooja, Belarbi Mohamed-Ouejdi, Raman Roshan, Garg Aman, Li Li, Chalak Hanuman Devidas, Houari Mohammed Sid Ahmed, AVCAR Mehmet, Free Vibration Analysis of Laminated Sandwich Plates Using Wavelet Finite Element Method. AIAA Journal, 62(2), , 824-832. Doi: 10.2514/1.J063364, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 2 Ghazwani Mofareh Hassan, Alnujaie Ali, AVCAR Mehmet, Van Vinh Pham, Examination of the high-frequency behavior of functionally graded porous nanobeams using nonlocal simple higher-order shear deformation theory. ACTA MECHANICA, 235(5), , 2695-2714. Doi: 10.1007/s00707-024-03858-6, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 3 Lakel Adel, Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR MEHMET, Ait Atmane Hassen, Madan Royal, The natural frequency analysis of FG-GNPR nanoplates under different boundary conditions. Advances in Nano Research, 17(6), , 533-546. Doi: 10.12989/anr.2024.17.6.533, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 4 Nian Yuze, Wan Shui, AVCAR Mehmet, Wang Xiao, Hong Ru, Yue Ru, Li Mo, Nature-inspired 3D printing-based double-graded aerospace negative Poisson’s ratio metastructure: Design, Fabrication, Investigation, optimization. Composite Structures , 0-0. Doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118482, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 5 ŞİMŞEK TÜRKER YASEMİN, KILINÇARSLAN ŞEMSETTİN, AVCAR MEHMET, Enhancement of Mechanical Properties in FRP-Reinforced Glulam Column-Beam Connections: A FEM Approach. GeoStruct Innovations , 10-20. Doi: 10.56578/gsi020102, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 6 İKİNCİ BURAK, Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR MEHMET, Natural Frequency Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Beams Using Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory. GeoStruct Innovations, 2(3), , 125-134. Doi: 10.56578/gsi020302, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 7 Mellal Fatma, Bennai Riadh, AVCAR Mehmet, Nebab Mokhtar, Atmane Hassen Ait, On the vibration and buckling behaviors of porous FG beams resting on variable elastic foundation utilizing higher-order shear deformation theory. Acta Mechanica, 234(9), , 3955-3977. Doi: 10.1007/s00707-023-03603-5, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 8 Nian Yuze, Wan Shui, AVCAR Mehmet, Yue Ru, Li Mo, 3D printing functionally graded metamaterial structure: Design, fabrication, reinforcement, optimization. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 258(108580), , 1-25. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108580, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 9 KILINÇARSLAN ŞEMSETTİN, ŞİMŞEK TÜRKER YASEMİN, AVCAR MEHMET, Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of the Mechanical Behavior of FRP-Strengthened Solid and Glulam Timber Beams. Acadlore Publishing Services Limited , 158-169. Doi: 10.56578/jemse020303, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 10 AVCAR Mehmet, Hadji Lazreg, Civalek Omer, The influence of non-linear carbon nanotube reinforcement on the natural frequencies of composite beams. Advances in Nano Research, 14(5), , 421-433. Doi: 10.12989/anr.2023.14.5.421, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 11 Daikh Ahmed-Amine, Belarbi Mohamed-Ouejdi, Ahmed Drai, Houari Mohamed Sid Ahmed, AVCAR Mehmet, Tounsi Abdelouahed, Eltaher Mohamed A., Static analysis of functionally graded plate structures resting on variable elastic foundation under various boundary conditions. Acta Mechanica, 234(2), , 775-806. Doi: 10.1007/s00707-022-03405-1, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 12 Nian Yuze, Wan Shui, Wang Xiao, Zhou Peng, AVCAR Mehmet, Li Mo, Study on crashworthiness of nature-inspired functionally graded lattice metamaterials for bridge pier protection against ship collision. Engineering Structures , 115404-115404. Doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.115404, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 13 Van Vinh Pham, Belarbi Mohamed-Ouejdi, AVCAR Mehmet, Civalek Ömer, An improved first-order mixed plate element for static bending and free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 93(5), , 1841-1862. Doi: 10.1007/s00419-022-02359-z, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 14 Garg Aman, Belarbi M.O., Chalak H.D., Li L., Sharma Anshu, AVCAR Mehmet, Sharma Neha, Paruthi Sagar, Gulia Reeta, Buckling and free vibration analysis of bio-inspired laminated sandwich plates with helicoidal/Bouligand face sheets containing softcore. Ocean Engineering , 0-0. Doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.113684, (2023), (SCI)
  • 15 Van Vinh Pham, AVCAR Mehmet, Belarbi Mohamed-Ouejdi, Tounsi Abdelouahed, Quang Huy Le, A new higher-order mixed four-node quadrilateral finite element for static bending analysis of functionally graded plates. Structures , 1595-1612. Doi: 10.1016/j.istruc.2022.11.113, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 16 Sobhani Emad, Koohestani Mehdi, Civalek Ömer, AVCAR Mehmet, Natural frequency investigation of graphene oxide powder nanocomposite cylindrical shells surrounded by Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr elastic foundations with a focus on various boundary conditions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 38-51. Doi: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2023.01.012, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 17 Civalek Ömer, AVCAR Mehmet, Free vibration and buckling analyses of CNT reinforced laminated non-rectangular plates by discrete singular convolution method. Engineering with Computers , 489-521. Doi: 10.1007/s00366-020-01168-8, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 18 Sobhani Emad, Arbabian Arshia, Civalek Ömer, AVCAR Mehmet, The free vibration analysis of hybrid porous nanocomposite joined hemispherical-cylindrical-conical shells. Engineering with Computers , 3125-3152. Doi: 10.1007/s00366-021-01453-0, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 19 Sobhani Emad, Masoodi Amir R., Civalek Ömer, AVCAR Mehmet, Natural frequency analysis of FG-GOP/ polymer nanocomposite spheroid and ellipsoid doubly curved shells reinforced by transversely-isotropic carbon fibers. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 369-389. Doi: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.03.009, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 20 Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR MEHMET, Zouatnia Nafissa, Natural frequency analysis of imperfect FG sandwich plates resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation. Materials Today: Proceedings, 53(1), , 153-160. Doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.12.485, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 21 Sobhani Emad, AVCAR Mehmet, The influence of various nanofiller materials (CNTs, GNPs, and GOPs) on the natural frequencies of Nanocomposite Cylindrical Shells: A comparative study. Materials Today Communications, 33(104547), , 1-13. Doi: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.104547, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 22 Sobhani Emad, AVCAR Mehmet, Natural frequency analysis of imperfect GNPRN conical shell, cylindrical shell, and annular plate structures resting on Winkler-Pasternak Foundations under arbitrary boundary conditions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements , 145-164. Doi: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.08.018, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 23 AVCAR Mehmet, Hadji Lazreg, Akan Recep, The influence of Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations on the natural frequencies of imperfect functionally graded sandwich beams . Geomechanics and Engineering, 31(1), , 99-113. Doi: 10.12989/gae.2022.31.1.099, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 24 Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR MEHMET, Free Vibration Analysis of FG Porous Sandwich Plates under Various Boundary Conditions. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 7(2), , 505-519. Doi: 10.22055/JACM.2020.35328.2628, (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 25 AVCAR Mehmet, Hadji Lazreg, Civalek Omer, Natural frequency analysis of sigmoid functionally graded sandwich beams in the framework of high order shear deformation theory. COMPOSITE STRUCTURES Doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114564, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 26 Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR Mehmet, Civalek Omer, An analytical solution for the free vibration of FG nanoplates. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING Doi: 10.1007/s40430-021-03134-x, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 27 Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR Mehmet, Nonlocal free vibration analysis of porous FG nanobeams using hyperbolic shear deformation beam theory. ADVANCES IN NANO RESEARCH, 10(3), , 281-293. Doi: 10.12989/anr.2021.10.3.281, (2021), (SCI)
  • 28 YAYLACI MURAT, AVCAR MEHMET, Finite element modeling of contact between an elastic layer and two elastic quarter planes. Computers and Concrete, 26(2), , 107-114. Doi: 10.12989/cac.2020.26.2.107, (2020), (SCI)
  • 29 Zhang Jinghui, Ullah Salamat, Gao Yuanyuan, AVCAR MEHMET, CİVALEK ÖMER, Analysis of orthotropic plates by the two-dimensional generalized FIT method. Computers and Concrete, 26(5), , 421-427. Doi: 10.12989/cac.2020.26.5.421, (2020), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 30 Alsaid Alwan Hiyam Hazim Saeed, AVCAR MEHMET, Analytical solution of free vibration of FG beam utilizing different types of beam theories: A comparative study. Computers and Concrete, 26(3), , 285-292. Doi: 10.12989/cac.2020.26.3.285, (2020), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 31 AVCAR MEHMET, Free vibration of imperfect sigmoid and power law functionally graded beams. STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 30(6), , 603-615. Doi: 10.12989/scs.2019.30.6.603, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 32 YAYLACI MURAT, TERZİ CEMALETTİN, AVCAR MEHMET, Numerical analysis of the receding contact problem of two bonded layers resting on an elastic half plane. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, 72(6), , 775-783. Doi: 10.12989/sem.2019.72.6.775, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 33 YAYLACI MURAT, BAYRAK MEHMET ÇAĞRI, AVCAR MEHMET, Finite Element Modeling of Receding Contact Problem. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11(4), , 468-475. Doi: 10.24107/ijeas.646718, (2019), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 34 AVCAR MEHMET, Mohammed Waleed Khalid, Free vibration of functionally graded beams resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(10), Doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3579-2, (2018), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 35 TIĞDEMİR MESUT, Jafarzadyeganeh Mahyar, BAYRAK MEHMET ÇAĞRI, AVCAR MEHMET, Numerical Modelling of Wheel on the Snow. International Journal Of Engineering Applied Sciences, 10(2), , 64-72. Doi: 10.24107/ijeas.437861, (2018), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 36 AVCAR MEHMET, Alsaid Alwan Hiyam Hazim Saeed, Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Rayleigh Beam. International Journal Of Engineering Applied Sciences, 9(2), , 127-127. Doi: 10.24107/ijeas.322884, (2017), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 37 AVCAR MEHMET, Effects of Material Non-Homogeneity and Two Parameter Elastic Foundation on Fundamental Frequency Parameters of Timoshenko Beams. Acta Physica Polonica A, 130(1), , 375-378. Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.130.375, (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 38 AVCAR MEHMET, Effects of Rotary Inertia Shear Deformation and Non Homogeneity on Frequencies of Beam. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 55(4), , 871-884. Doi: 10.12989/sem.2015.55.4.871, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 39 AVCAR MEHMET, SAPLIOĞLU KEMAL, An Artificial Neural Network Application for Estimation of Natural Frequencies of Beams. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6(6), , 94-102. Doi: 10.14569/IJACSA.2015.060614, (2015), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 40 AVCAR MEHMET, Free Vibration Analysis of Beams Considering Different Geometric Characteristics and Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Mechanics and Applications, 4(3), , 94-100. Doi: 10.5923/j.mechanics.20140403.03, (2014), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 41 AVCAR MEHMET, Elastic Buckling of Steel Columns Under Axial Compression. American Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(3), , 102-108. Doi: 10.11648/j.ajce.20140203.17, (2014), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 42 Sofiyev A.H., AVCAR Mehmet, Özyigit P., Deniz A., Omurtag M.H., Effects of the Non Homogeneity and Elastic Medium on the Critical Torsional Load of the Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell. Acta Physica Polonica A, 123(4), , 728-730. Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.123.728, (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 43 SOFIYEV AH, ALIZADA AN, AKIN ÖMER, VALIYEV A, AVCAR MEHMET, ADIGUZEL S, On the stability of FGM shells subjected to combined loads with different edge conditions and resting on elastic foundations. Acta Mechanica, 223(1), , 189-204. Doi: 10.1007/s00707-011-0548-1, (2012), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 44 SOFIYEV AH, SCHNACK E, DENİZ ALİ, ZERİN ZİHNİ, AVCAR MEHMET, Stability Analysis of FGM Layered Shells in the Surrounding Medium. Acta Physica Polonica A, 121(1), , 162-164. Doi: 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.162, (2012), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 45 SOFIYEV AH, AVCAR MEHMET, The Stability of Cylindrical Shells Containing an FGM Layer Subjected to Axial Load on the Pasternak Foundation. Engineering, 2(4), , 228-236. Doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.24033, (2010), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 46 SOFIYEV AH, AVCAR MEHMET, ÖZYİĞİT POLAT, ADIGUZEL S, The Free Vibration of Non Homogeneous Truncated Conical Shells on a Winkler Foundation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(1), , 34-41. (2009), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 47 SOFIYEV AH, AKSOĞAN ORHAN, SCHNACK E, AVCAR MEHMET, The Stability of a Three Layered Composite Conical Shell Containing a FGM Layer Subjected to External Pressure. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures , 461-466. Doi: 10.1080/15376490802138492, (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 48 SOFIYEV AH, ZERİN ZİHNİ, YÜCEL KEMAL TUŞAT, AVCAR MEHMET, The Dynamic Stability of Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells with Non homogenous Material Properties under Axial Compressive Load Varying as a Parabolic Function of Time. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 25(18), , 1877-1886. Doi: 10.1177/0731684406069914, (2006), (SCI-Expanded)
  • Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
  • 1 Aşık Ayşe Ece, AVCAR MEHMET, Eigenfrequency Analysis of Beams Using Rayleigh-Ritz Method. III. International Turkish World Engineering and Natural Science Congress (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 Kaya Fatih, İNCE GÜLHAN, AVCAR MEHMET, YÜNLÜ LOKMAN, KALÇA PROTEZİ TASARIMININ SONLU ELEMANLAR YÖNTEMİ İLE STATİK ANALİZİ. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi Doi: 10.21923/jesd.839995, (2021), (TR DİZİN)
  • 3 AVCAR MEHMET, Pasternak Zemine Oturan Eksenel Yüke Maruz Homojen Olmayan Kirişin Serbest Titreşimi. Politeknik Dergisi, 19(4), , 507-512. Doi: 10.2339/2016.19.4 507-512, (2016), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 4 AVCAR MEHMET, Elastik Zemin Üzerinde Bulunan Her İki Ucu Ankastre Mesnetli Rastgele Ve Sürekli Homojen Olmayan Kirişin Titreşim Analizi. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 1(1), , 33-38. (2010), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • Kitap
  • 1 AVCAR MEHMET, Hadji Lazreg, Tounsi Abdelouahed, Functionally Graded Structures Modelling and computation of static and dynamical problems(2023). IOP Publishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 AVCAR MEHMET, Hadji Lazreg, CİVALEK ÖMER, Functionally Graded Structures Modelling and computation of static and dynamical problems(2023). IOP Publishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 3 Hadji Lazreg, AVCAR MEHMET, CİVALEK ÖMER, Advanced Composite Materials and Structures(2022). CRC Press, Bölüm, (ULUSAL)
  • Editörlük
  • 1 Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, Bilimsel Kitap, Editör, 01.03.2023 - 01.01.2024 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, Dergi, Editör, 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 (ULUSAL)
  • 3 Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, Dergi, Editör, 01.01.2021 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 4 Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, Araştırma Kitabı, Çeviri Editörlüğü, 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 (ULUSLARARASI)
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