Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Mehmet GÜRDAL
Birimi Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
Bölüm Matematik Bölümü
Ana Bilim Dalı Analiz Ve Fonksiyon Teorisi Anabilim Dalı
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ORCID ID 0000-0003-0866-1869
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Google Scholar Hindex: 31
Alıntı Sayısı: 3134
Bu sayfadaki kişisel verilerin görünürlüğü KVKK 8. madde hükmü uyarınca ilgili kişinin açık rızası kapsamındadır. Kişisel verilerinizin görünürlüğünü veya hali hazırdaki verilerinizi Personel Bilgi Sistemi (PBS) ve Akademik Bilgi Sistemi (ABS) üzerinden düzenleyebilirsiniz.
Ünvan Görev Yeri Görev Tarihi
Dekan Yardımcısı SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2015 - 2015
Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 2005 - 2006
Kurum Adı Görev Adı Görev Tarihi
TÜBİTAK Grup Yürütme Kurulu Üyeliği 2017 - 2020
TÜBİTAK Danışma Kurulu Üyeliği 2016 - 2017
Krakow University Araştırmacı 2016 - 2016
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 Proje Kapsamında Araştırma 2010 - 2012
Kurum Adı Görev Türü Kuruluş Türü Görev Tarihi
American Mathematical Society Üye Bilimsel Kuruluş 1998 - Devam Ediyor
Fonksiyonel analiz (İdeal yakınsaklık), Operatör Toeri (Toeplitz operatörleri, Hardy uzayları), Berezin sembolü, Üretici Çekirdek,
  • Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler
  • 1 Üretici Çekirdekli Hilbert Uzaylarında Berezin Dönüşümleri İle İlgili Bazı operatör Eşitsizikleri, Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.12.2022 - 01.06.2023 (ULUSAL)
  • 2 Kantorovich tipli eşitsizlikler ve Berezin sayı eşitsizlikleri, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, YANGÖZ Cavit Mustafa, 03.01.2019 - 31.03.2020 (ULUSAL)
  • 3 Üretici Çekirdekli Hilbert Uzaylarında Özeşlenik Operatörlerin Fonksiyonları için Grüss Tipli Eşitsizlikler ve İlgili Sonuçlar, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, TUNÇ Remziye, 27.07.2018 - 24.02.2020 (ULUSAL)
  • 4 Bazı operatör eşitsizlikleri ve onların uygulamaları, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, BAŞARAN Hamdullah, 27.07.2018 - 20.02.2019 (ULUSAL)
  • 5 Banach Cebirlerinin Bazı Deddens Alt Uzayları, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, TİLKİ Havva, 26.12.2017 - 15.05.2018 (ULUSAL)
  • 6 Englis Operatör Cebirleri Ve İlgili Problemler, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.10.2015 - 01.10.2016 (ULUSAL)
  • 7 Üretici Çekirdekler, Englis Cebirleri Ve Bazı Uygulamalar, Tübitak 1002, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.08.2015 - 01.08.2016 (ULUSAL)
  • 8 Genelleştirilmiş Modulüs İstatistiksel Yakınsaklık, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 03.11.2014 - 08.03.2016 (ULUSAL)
  • 9 Berezin sembolü ve Bazı Uygulamaları, Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 30.06.2014 - 13.12.2016 (ULUSAL)
  • 10 Süreksiz Katsayılı Sturm-Liouville Operatörü İçin Spektral Analizin Direkt ve Ters Problemleri, Tübitak 1002, GÜRDAL Mehmet, ADİLOĞLU Anar, 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2015 (ULUSAL)
  • 11 Hiperstone Uzaylar ve Bazı Uygulamaları, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 20.02.2013 - 20.02.2015 (ULUSAL)
  • 12 İdeallere göre A istatistiksel Yakınsaklık, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.02.2013 - 01.02.2014 (ULUSAL)
  • 13 Olasılıksal 2 normlu uzaylarda bazı yakınsaklık tipleri, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.01.2011 - 30.01.2013 (ULUSAL)
  • 14 Toeplitz ve Köreltilmiş Toeplitz Operatörleri İçin Bazı problemler, Uluslararası İkili İşbirliği Programları, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 15.02.2010 - 15.02.2012 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 15 AX lamdaXA Tipindeki Operatör Denklemlerin Çözümü Hakkında, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.01.2009 - 01.01.2011 (ULUSAL)
  • 16 Operatörler teorisinin bazı problemlerinde Duhamel çarpımlarının Uygulamaları, Tübitak 1002, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Garayev Mubariz, 01.01.2008 - 01.01.2009 (ULUSAL)
  • 17 2-Banach Uzaylarında Yaklaşım, Kararlılık ve Yakınsaklık, Tübitak 1002, GÜRDAL Mehmet, 01.08.2006 - 01.08.2007 (ULUSAL)
  • 18 Bazi Yakinsaklik Tipleri, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, PEHLİVAN Serpil, 01.01.2002 - 01.01.2004 (ULUSAL)
  • 19 Non Archimedean Banach Uzaylar Üzerinde Sonsuz Matrisler, BAP, GÜRDAL Mehmet, PEHLİVAN Serpil, 01.05.1997 - 01.05.1999 (ULUSAL)
  • Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, On Ideal Convergence In Credibility Space. TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (2025), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 2 Stojiljkovic Vuk, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Estimates of the numerical radius utilizing various function properties. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 49(1), , 49-64. Doi: 10.55730/1300-0098.3573, (2025), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 3 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On I-statistical limit superior and limit inferior in neutrosophic fuzzy normed spaces. Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 29(1), (2025), (Diğer)
  • 4 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Exploring lacunary statistical convergence for double sequences in neutrosophic n-normed linear spaces. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 34(1), , 13-32. (2025), (Scopus)
  • 5 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Results on f-Statistical Convergence of Double Sequences. Ikonion Journal of Mathematics Doi: 10.54286/ikjm.1531097, (2025), (Diğer)
  • 6 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On lacunary A I -statistical convergence of fuzzy triple sequences of order γ. International Journal of Maps in Mathematics (2025), (Scopus)
  • 7 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, Effects of improved Cauchy-Schwarz inequality on Berezin radius inequalities. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 34(1), , 189-206. (2025), (Scopus)
  • 8 Listán García María C., KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New perspectives on generalized lacunary statistical convergence of multiset sequences. Mathematics Doi: 10.3390/math13010164, (2025), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 9 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Alomari Mohammad Wajeeh, BAŞARAN HAMDULLAH, BEREZIN RADIUS INEQUALITIES VIA ORLICZ FUNCTION. Palestine Journal of Mathematics (2025), (Diğer)
  • 10 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On certain results of analysis for ς-neutrosophic fuzzy metric spaces. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems (2025), (Scopus)
  • 11 ÇETİN SELİM, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Exploration of Novel Convergence Concepts for Sequences in Octonion-Valued Metric Spaces. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 34(1), , 271-300. (2025), (Diğer)
  • 12 KİŞİ ÖMER, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL MEHMET, A few notes on the deferred statistical convergence of sequences in g-metric space with quaternion values. Analele Universităţii din Oradea - Fascicola Matematică (2025), (Diğer)
  • 13 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, On almost convergence of fuzzy variables. TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 14(2), , 657-671. (2024), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 14 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Certain Aspects of Deferred Statistical Convergence of Fuzzy Variables in Credibility Space. The Journal of Analysis, 32(4), , 2057-2075. Doi: 10.1007/s41478-023-00583-6, (2024), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 15 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lacunary A-statistical convergence of fuzzy variable sequences via Orlicz function. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 18(1), , 88-100. (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 16 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Choudhury Chiranjib, On Nörlund I₂-lacunary statistical convergence of double sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 93(1), , 41-57. (2024), (Scopus)
  • 17 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Stojiljkovic Vuk, BEREZIN RADIUS INEQUALITIES FOR FINITE SUMS OF FUNCTIONAL HILBERT SPACE OPERATORS. Gulf Journal of Mathematics, 17(1), , 101-109. Doi: 10.56947/gjom.v17i1.1885, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 18 GÜRDAL MEHMET, BAŞARAN HAMDULLAH, On A-Berezin number in functional Hilbert space. FILOMAT, 38(21), , 7657-7671. Doi: 10.2298/FIL2421657G, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 19 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Results on Rough I2-Deferred Statistically Convergent Double Sequences in Neutrosophic Normed Space. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 25(9), , 2095-2122. (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 20 Mursaleen Mohammad, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On rough deferred statistical convergence for sequences in neutrosophic normed spaces. Filomat, 38(31), , 11171-11192. Doi: 10.2298/FIL2431171M, (2024), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 21 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Erkan Gamze Gül, Garayev Mubariz, Berezin norm and Berezin radius inequalities of products and sums with Selberg operator. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, 50(2), , 258-273. Doi: 10.30546/2409-4994.2024.50.2.258, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 22 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On rough lacunary statistical convergence for double sequences in neutrosophic normed space. Honam Mathematical Journal, 46(3), , 428-451. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2024.46.3.428, (2024), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 23 GÜNTÜRK BANU, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On some refining inequalities via Berezin symbols. Honam Mathematical Journal, 46(3), , 473-484. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2024.46.3.473, (2024), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 24 GÜRDAL MEHMET, BAŞARAN HAMDULLAH, On inequalities for A-Berezin radius of operators. Afrika Matematika, 35(44), , 1-20. Doi: 10.1007/s13370-024-01186-5, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 25 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Results on Neutrosophic I-Statistically Convergence. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 20(1), , 119-126. Doi: 10.29169/1927-5129.2024.20.12, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 26 Kişi Ömer, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL Mehmet, On Ideal Convergence of Sequences in Quaternıon Valued Generalized Metric Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 15(5), , 19-42. Doi: 10.54379/jma-2024-5-2, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 27 Kişi Ömer, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL Mehmet, On generalized statistical convergence in quaternion valued generalized metric spaces. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 16(3), , 28-44. Doi: 10.54671/BMAA-2024-3-3, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 28 Kişi Ö., Akbiyik R., GÜRDAL Mehmet, Some Results on Rough I₂-Lacunary Statistical Convergence of Complex Uncertain Sequences. Journal of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 5(2), , 171-189. Doi: 10.30504/JIMS.2024.457746.1179, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 29 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Rough I2-Lacunary Statistical Convergence of Double Sequences in Cone Metric Spaces. International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 11(4), , 71-85. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 30 Kişi Ömer, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL Mehmet, On lacunary I-invariant convergence of sequences in quaternion-valued generalized metric spaces. Journal of Classical Analysis, 24(2), , 111-132. Doi: 10.7153/jca-2024-24-06, (2024), (Scopus)
  • 31 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Stojiljkovic Vuk N., Berezin inequalities for sums of operators and classical inequalities concerning the Berezin radius. Vojnotehnicki glasnik, 72(4), , 1537-1551. Doi: 10.5937/vojtehg72-51843, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 33 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Further Results on (Δ_s^j,f)-Lacunary Statistical Convergence of Double Sequences of order α. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 19(2), , 86-97. Doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.1469619, (2024), (TR DİZİN)
  • 34 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, On Convergence in Quaternion-Valued g-Metric Space. Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal, 14(3), , 106-114. Doi: 10.7212/karaelmasfen.1503070, (2024), (TR DİZİN)
  • 35 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Stojiljkovic Vuk, Some inequality and Berezin number type inequalities. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 17(4), , 180-190. Doi: 10.22436/jnsa.017.04.02, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 36 KİŞİ ÖMER, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Asymptotically Lacunary Statistical Equivalent Sequences in a Quaternion Valued Generalized Metric Spaces. Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics , 301-313. Doi: 10.23091/japm.2024.301, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 37 Stojiljkovic Vuk, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Generalization of the Buzano’s Inequality and Numerical Radius Inequalities. Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics , 191-200. Doi: 10.23091/japm.2024.191, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 38 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some results on $I_2$-deferred statistically convergent double sequences in fuzzy normed spaces. Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics, 73(3), , 1-25. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.1474229, (2024), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 39 Stojiljkovic Vuk, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin radius type inequalities for functional Hilbert space operators. Electronic Journal of Mathematics , 35-44. Doi: 10.47443/ejm.2024.017, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 40 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Results of Ideal Convergence of Double Sequences in Topological Spaces. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), , 89-97. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 41 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Hevesker Eif, Some Results on Generalized Statistical Convergence of Double Sequences via Ideals in Probabilistic Generalized Metric Spaces. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), , 200-210. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 42 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Hevesker Eif, Some Results For Probabilistic Generalized Metric Spaces. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), , 218-227. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 43 KİŞİ ÖMER, Çakal Burak, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New convergence definitions for sequences in quaternion valued generalized metric spaces. International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 11(4), , 32-50. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 44 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, On convergence in G_{Q} metric spaces. Dera Natung Government College Research, 9(1), , 52-66. Doi: 10.56405/dngcrj.2024.09.01.05, (2024), (Diğer)
  • 45 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On generalized statistical convergence of order α via ideal with respect to modulus function. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 33(2), , 595-615. (2024), (Scopus)
  • 46 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On generalized statistical convergence of sequences of functions via ideals in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 33(2), , 699-715. (2024), (Diğer)
  • 47 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Lacunary Statistical Convergence of Difference Sequences. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 49(1), , 790-804. (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 48 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New results on lacunary ideal convergence in fuzzy cone normed spaces. Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 41(6), , 1255-1263. Doi: 10.14744/sigma.2022.00059, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 49 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lebesgue's theorem and Egoroff's theorem for complex uncertain sequences. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 50(1), , 390-397. (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 50 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KOLANCI SAİME, KİŞİ ÖMER, Generalized statistical relative uniform φ-convergence of triple sequences of functions. Journal of Classical Analysis, 21(1), , 35-44. Doi: 10.7153/jca-2023-21-04, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 51 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Garayev Mübariz T, Tapdıgoğlu Ramiz, Altıntaş Mevlüt, Some applications of the $\alpha$-Duhamel product. Journal of Analysis, 31(2), , 1557-1572. Doi: 10.1007/s41478-022-00539-2, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 52 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, Advanced refinements of Berezin number inequalities. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 72(2), , 386-396. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.1160606, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 53 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Choudhury Chiranjib, Some results on Nörlund I₂-lacunary statistical convergent sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. New Mathematics and Natural Computation, 19(3), , 773-792. Doi: 10.1142/S1793005723500357, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 54 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Çakal Burak, Certain Aspects of Nörlund I-Statistical Convergence of Sequences in Neutrosophic Normed Spaces. Demonstratio Mathematica, 56(20220194), , 1-20. Doi: 10.1515/dema-2022-0194, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 55 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Choudhury Chiranjib, Some observations on Nörlund I_{2}-statistical convergence of double sequences in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 16(7), , 1-23. Doi: 10.1142/S1793557123501152, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 56 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Rough $\mathcal{I}_{2}$-statistical convergence in cone metric spaces in certain details. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 15(1), , 7-23. Doi: 10.54671/BMAA-2023-1-2, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 57 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On quasi I-statistical convergence of triple sequence in cone metric spaces. Mathematica Pannonica, 29(1), , 87-95. Doi: 10.1556/314.2023.00007, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 58 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Kaya Emel, SAVAŞ EKREM, Lacunary statistical convergence of rough triple sequence via ideals. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 16(7), , 1-14. Doi: 10.1142/S1793557123501322, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 59 Tapdigoglu Ramiz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Sarı Nur, On the solution of the operator Riccati equations and invariant subspaces in the weighted Bergman space of the unit ball. Filomat, 37(21), , 7303-7310. Doi: 10.2298/FIL2321303T, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 60 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, g-metric spaces and asymptotically lacunary statistical equivalent sequences. Honam Mathematical Journal, 45(3), , 503-512. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2023.45.3.503, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 61 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On I2 and I∗2-convergence in almost surely of complex uncertain double sequences. Problemy Analiza-Issues of Analysis, 12(2), , 51-67. Doi: 10.15393/, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 62 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On rough I-statistical φ-convergence. Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12(1), , 168-181. Doi: 10.22080/CJMS.2023.25034.1646, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 63 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some results on rough statistical φ-convergence for difference double sequences. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 14(2), , 1-11. Doi: 10.54379/jma-2023-2-1, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 64 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin Yarıçapı İçin Diğer Eşitsizlikler. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 18(2), , 28-40. Doi: 10.29233/sdufeffd.1218389, (2023), (TR DİZİN)
  • 65 Tripthy Binod Chandra, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Certain aspects of rough I-statistical convergence in probabilistic n-normed space. Filomat, 37(24), , 8113-8130. Doi: 10.2298/FIL2324113T, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 66 KİŞİ ÖMER, Üstünsoy Nagihan, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some results on (λ, µ)-statistical convergence of sequences in gradual n-normed linear spaces. Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 25(3), , 217-234. Doi: 10.30948/afmi.2023.25.3.217, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 67 SAVAŞ EKREM, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On some generalized deferred statistical convergence of order αβ for fuzzy variable sequences in credibility space. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 38(3), , 599-620. Doi: 10.22190/FUMI230220038S, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 68 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Refinement of Berezin number inequalities with Kantorovich ratio. Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 16(4), , 21-33. Doi: 10.32513/asetmj/1932200823403, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 69 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, Satmaz Osman Okan, Interpolation inequalities via Berezin radius. Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 12(1), , 182-203. Doi: 10.22080/CJMS.2023.25211.1650, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 70 SAVAŞ RABİA, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On lacunary statistical convergence of double sequences in credibility theory. International Journal of General Systems, 52(7), , 802-819. Doi: 10.1080/03081079.2023.2210742, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 71 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Certain aspects of I-lacunary arithmetic statistical convergence. Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics, 5(3), , 265-279. Doi: 10.23091/japm.2023.265, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 72 Bhunia Pintu, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Kallol Paul, Sen Anirban, Tapdigoglu Ramiz, On a new norm on the space of reproducing kernel Hilbert space operators and Berezin radius inequalities. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 44(9), , 970-986. Doi: 10.1080/01630563.2023.2221857, (2023), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 73 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin Radius Inequalities of Functional Hilbert space operators. Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 6(2), , 107-116. Doi: 10.33401/fujma.1254301, (2023), (TR DİZİN)
  • 74 SAVAŞ EKREM, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some results on lacunary statistical convergence of order α in credibility space. The Journal of Analysis, 31(4), , 2835-2859. Doi: 10.1007/s41478-023-00618-y, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 75 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Tapdigoglu Ramiz, New Berezin radius upper bounds. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (PIMM), 49(2), , 210-218. Doi: 10.30546/2409-4994.2023.49.2.210, (2023), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 76 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, KOLANCI SAİME, New convergence definitions for double sequences in g-metric spaces. Journal of Classial Analysis, 21(2), , 173-185. Doi: 10.7153/jca-2023-21-10, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 77 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KOLANCI SAİME, KİŞİ ÖMER, On generalized statistical convergence in g-metric spaces. Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, 10(1), , 1-13. Doi:, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 78 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, More Correct Berezin Symbol Inequalities. Dera Natung Government College Research Journa, 8(1), , 46-66. Doi: 10.56405/dngcrj.2023.08. 01.04, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 79 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, 𝒈-Metrik Uzaylarda İdeal Yakınsaklık. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), , 212-218. Doi: 10.59287/as-ijanser.207, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 80 GÜRDAL MEHMET, KOLANCI SAİME, Üçlü Diziler İçin Kuvvetli Lacunary I*-Yakınsaklık. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), , 219-224. Doi: 10.59287/as-ijanser.208, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 81 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Ideal Convergence in Generalized Metric Spaces. Dera Natung Government College Research Journal, 8(1), , 81-96. Doi: 10.56405/dngcrj.2023.08.0, (2023), (Diğer)
  • 82 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin number inequalities via convex functions. Filomat, 36(7), , 2333-2344. Doi:, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 83 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Lacunary Statistical $\phi$-convergence for Triple Sequences of Sets Via Ideals. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics , 433-444. Doi: 10.14317/jami.2022.433, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 84 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On deferred generalized statistical convergent complex uncertain triple sequence. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 11(3), , 255-266. (2022), (Diğer)
  • 85 GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, AN INVESTIGATION ON THE TRIPLE IDEAL CONVERGENT SEQUENCES IN FUZZY METRIC SPACES. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 71(1), , 13-24. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.890982, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 86 SAVAŞ EKREM, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Statistical Convergence in Credibility Space. NUMERICAL FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION, 43(8), , 987-1008. Doi: 10.1080/01630563.2022.2070205, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 87 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Ayyildiz Meral, ADİLOĞLU Anar, Some results for the fractional integral operator defined on the Sobolev spaces. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics , 173-184. Doi: 10.14317/jami.2022.173, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 88 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Orlicz-lacunary convergent triple sequences and ideal convergence. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1: Mathematics and Statistics, 71(2), , 581-600. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.1027662, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 89 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, On deferred statistical convergence of fuzzy variables. Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM), 17(2), , 366-385. (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 90 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Inequalities related to Berezin norm and Berezin number of operators. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 14(2), , 1-11. Doi: 10.54671/bmaa-2022-2-1, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 91 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, A-BEREZIN NUMBER OF OPERATORS. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics (PIMM), 48(1), , 77-87. Doi: 10.30546/2409-4994.48.1.77, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 92 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On deferred Cesàro summability and statistical convergence for the sets of triple sequences. Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, 24(2), , 115-127. Doi: 10.30948/afmi.2022.24.2.115, (2022), (Diğer)
  • 93 GÜRDAL MEHMET, YÜCEL ORÇUN, Berezin radius inequalities and extensions of the Dragomir-Furuta inequality. Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science, 12(1), , 21-37. (2022), (Diğer)
  • 94 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some new inequalities via Berezin numbers. Turkish Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 14(1), , 129-137. Doi: 10.47000/tjmcs.1014841, (2022), (TR DİZİN)
  • 95 Altıntaş Mevlüt, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Tapdıgoğlu Ramiz, Duhamel Banach algebra structure of some space and related topics. PUBLICATIONS DE L INSTITUT MATHEMATIQUE-BEOGRAD, 112(126), , 83-93. Doi: 10.2298/PIM2226083A, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 96 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, On Lacunary Convergence in Credibility Space. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, 37(4), , 683-708. Doi: 10.22190/FUMI220315048K, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 97 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Alomari Mohammad Wajeeh, Improvements of some Berezin radius inequalities. Constructive mathematical analysis (Online), 5(3), , 141-153. Doi: 10.33205/cma.1110550, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 98 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, Specht Oranına Göre Berezin Sayı Eşitsizlikleri. El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 9(4), , 1201-1214. Doi:, (2022), (TR DİZİN)
  • 99 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On quasi statistical convergence of fuzzy variable sequences. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 14(4), , 11-27. Doi: 10.54671/BMAA-2022-4-2, (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 100 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Rough statistical convergence of complex uncertain triple sequence. Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 91(4), , 365-376. (2022), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 101 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, On ideal convergence of rough triple sequence. e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics , 33-44. Doi: 10.2478/ejaam-2022-0004, (2022), (Diğer)
  • 102 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On asymptoticlly invariant lambda-statistical phi-equivalent triple sequences. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (EJMAA), 10(1), , 175-183. (2022), (Diğer)
  • 103 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Duman Nazan, Berezin number inequalities involving superquadratic functions. Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 10(1), , 18-21. Doi: 10.22080/CJMS.2019.17427.1434, (2021), (Diğer)
  • 104 GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, A NOTE ON UNIQUELY REMOTAL SETS IN 2-BANACH SPACES. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 9(2), , 151-157. (2021), (Diğer)
  • 105 Tapdıgoğlu Ramiz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Altwaijry Najla, Sarı Nur, DAVIS–WIELANDT–BEREZIN RADIUS INEQUALITIES VIA DRAGOMIR INEQUALITIES. Operators and Matrices, 15(4), , 1445-1460. Doi: 10.7153/oam-2021-15-90, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 106 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, BEREZIN NUMBER INEQUALITIES VIA YOUNG INEQUALITY. Honam Mathematical Journal, 43(3), , 523-537. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2021.43.3.523, (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 107 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Deferred Invariant Statistical Convergent Triple Sequences via Orlicz Function. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 13(2), , 25-38. (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 108 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New upper bounds related to the Berezin number inequalities. Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions, 12(3), , 1-12. (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 109 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On lacunary generalized statistical convergent complex uncertain triple sequence. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 41(1), , 1021-1029. Doi: 10.3233/JIFS-202964, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 110 Garayev Mübariz T, Guedri Hicem, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Alsahli GM, On some problems for operators on the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 69(11), , 2059-2077. Doi: 10.1080/03081087.2019.1659220, (2021), (SCI)
  • 111 KİŞİ ÖMER, HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New Results on I_{2}-Statistically Limit Points and \I_{2}--Statistically Cluster Points of Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers. Journal of Function Spaces, 2021(4602823), , 1-6. Doi: 10.1155/2021/4602823, (2021), (SCI)
  • 112 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On invariant arithmetic statistically convergence via weighted density. Ilirias Journal of Mathematics, 9(1), , 23-34. Doi: 10.54379/ijm-2021-1-2, (2021), (Diğer)
  • 113 GÜRDAL MEHMET, ADİLOĞLU ANAR, Ayyıldız Meral, On the invariant subspaces of the fractional integral operator. Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, 16(2), , 910-923. (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 114 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, ON DEFERRED STATISTICAL CONVERGENCE FOR THE SETS OF TRIPLE SEQUENCES. Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 12(4), , 38-50. (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 115 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Baytürk Hamza, ON ASYMPTOTICALLY LACUNARY STATISTICAL EQUIVALENT TRIPLE SEQUENCES VIA IDEALS AND ORLICZ FUNCTION. Honam Mathematical Journal, 43(2), , 343-357. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2021.43.2.343, (2021), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 116 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lacunary Statistical Convergence for Sets of Triple Sequences via Orlicz Function. Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Computer Science, 11(1), , 1-13. (2021), (Diğer)
  • 117 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Tilki Havva, Some classical inequalities and their applications. Filomat, 35(7), , 1-9. Doi: 10.2298/FIL2107165H, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 118 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Wijsman lacunary invariant statistical convergence for triple sequences via Orlicz function. Journal of Classical Analysis, 17(2), , 119-128. Doi: 10.7153/jca-2021-17-08, (2021), (Diğer)
  • 119 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Artan Operatör Konveks Fonksiyon İçin Berezin Sayı Eşitsizliği. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 9(6), , 1-14. Doi: 10.29130/dubited.1013082, (2021), (TR DİZİN)
  • 120 YAMANCI ULAŞ, Tunç Remziye, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin Number, Grüss-Type Inequalities and Their Applications. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society , 2287-2296. Doi: 10.1007/s40840-019-00804-x, (2020), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 121 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Sarı Nur, SAVAŞ EKREM, A-statistically localized sequences in n-normed spaces. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 69(2), , 1484-1497. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.704446, (2020), (TR DİZİN)
  • 122 YAMANCI ULAŞ, SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I-localized Sequence in Two Normed Spaces. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Science, 14(3), , 491-503. (2020), (Diğer)
  • 123 Garayev Mübariz T, Bouzeffour Fethi, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Yangöz Cavit Mustafa, Refinements of Kantorovich type, Schwarzand Berezin number inequalities. Extracta Mathematicae, 35(1), , 1-20. Doi: 10.17398/2605-5686.35.1.1, (2020), (Diğer)
  • 124 YAMANCI ULAŞ, ADİLOĞLU ANAR, GÜRDAL MEHMET, STATISTICALLY LOCALIZED SEQUENCES IN 2-NORMED SPACES. Honam Mathematical journal , 161-173. Doi: 10.5831/HMJ.2020.42.1.161, (2020), (Diğer)
  • 125 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I-LOCALIZED SEQUENCES IN METRIC SPACES. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatic, 35(2), , 459-469. Doi: 10.22190/FUMI2002459N, (2020), (Diğer)
  • 126 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On The Solution of an Infinite System of Discrete Equations. Turkish Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12(2), , 157-160. Doi: 10.47000/tjmcs.822830, (2020), (TR DİZİN)
  • 127 Garayev Mübariz T, GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, Halouani Bouk, Boundary behaivor of Berezin symbols and related results. Filomat, 33(14), , 4433-4440. Doi: 10.2298/FIL1914433G, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 128 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Statistically Localized Sequences in Metric Spaces. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 9(2), , 739-746. Doi: 10.11948/2156-907X.20180157, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 129 SAVAŞ EKREM, YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I-lacunary statistical convergence of weighted g via modulus functions in 2-normed spaces. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 68(2), , 2324-2332. Doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.573396, (2019), (Diğer)
  • 130 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, GÜNCAN AYŞE NUR, Some operator inequalities associated with Kantorovich and Hölder–McCarthy inequalities and their applications. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 43(1), , 523-532. Doi: 10.3906/mat-1811-10, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 131 ADİLOĞLU Anar, Savaş Ekrem, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Statistically localized sequences in metric spaces. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 9(2), , 739-746. Doi: 10.11948/2156-907X.20180157, (2019), (SSCI)
  • 132 GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, Karaev Mübariz, Some results for operators on a model space. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 13(2), , 287-300. Doi: 10.1007/s11464-018-0690-3, (2018), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 133 Garayev Mübariz T, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Tilki Havva, On some Deddens subspaces of Banach algebras. Filomat, 32(11), , 4061-4068. Doi: 10.2298/FIL1811061G, (2018), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 134 Garayev Mübariz T, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Remarks on the zero Toeplitz product problem in the Bergman and Hardy spaces. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 42(3), , 1504-1508. Doi: 10.3906/mat-1706-93, (2018), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 135 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On numerical radius and Berezin number inequalities for reproducing kernel Hilbert space. New York Journal of Mathematics , 1531-1537. (2017), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 136 Garayev Mübariz T, GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, Berezin symbols and Borel summability. Quaestiones Mathematicae, 40(3), , 403-411. Doi: 10.2989/16073606.2017.1289989, (2017), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 137 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Garayev Mubariz T, Berezin Number Inequality for Convex Function in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. Filomat, 31(18), , 5711-5717. (2017), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 138 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Huban Mualla Birgül Huban, Statistical Convergence and C-operator Algebras. Theory and Applications of Mathematics Computer Science, 7(2), , 41-50. (2017), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 139 GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, A-Cluster Points Via Ideals. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 69(3), , 376-385. Doi: 10.1007/s11253-017-1370-2, (2017), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 140 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SALTAN SUNA, Inverse problems for the Sturm-Liouville equation with the discontinuous coefficient. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 7(2), , 559-580. Doi: 10.11948/2017035, (2017), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 141 Mubariz T Garayev, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SALTAN SUNA, Hardy type inequaltiy for reproducing Kernel Hilbert space operators and related problems. Positivity, 21(4), , 1615-1623. Doi: 10.1007/s11117-017-0489-6, (2017), (SCI)
  • 142 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Kıncı Ayşe Nazlı, Uniqueness properties of the solution of the inverse problem for the Sturm-Liouville equation with discontinuous leading coefficient. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 89(4), , 2547-2561. Doi: 10.1590/0001-3765201720160075, (2017), (SCI)
  • 143 Karaev Mübariz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Huban Mualla Birgül, Reproducing kernels Englis algebras and some application. Studia Mathematica, 232(2), , 113-141. Doi: 10.4064/sm8385-4-2016, (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 144 Garayev Mübariz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Okudan Arzu, Hardy Hilbert s inequality and a power inequality for Berezin numbers for operators. Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 19(3), , 883-891. Doi: 10.7153/mia-19-64, (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 145 SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Ideal convergent Function Sequences in Random 2 Normed spaces. Filomat, 30(3), , 557-567. (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 146 GÜNTÜRK BANU, CENGİZ BAHAETTİN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Norm Preserving Isomorphisms of Lp H. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Journal, 45(1), , 33-41. Doi: 10.15672/HJMS.20164512488, (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 147 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Statistical convergence and operators on Fock space. new york journal of mathematics , 199-207. (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 148 Garayev Mübariz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, Description of Bloch spaces weighted Bergman spaces and their invariant subspaces and related questions. Kuwait Journal of Science, 43(3), , 99-106. (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 149 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Garayev Mübariz, Değer Hasret, Berezin symbols and Abel convergence of sequences and series. Proceedings of the Romanian Academy-series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, 17(3), , 203-209. (2016), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 150 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22(2), , 52-58. (2016), (Diğer)
  • 151 SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I statistical convergence in probabilistic normed spaces. Scientific Bulletin-Series A Applied Mathematics and Physics, 77(4), , 195-204. (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 152 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Özgür Mehmet Onur, A generalized statistical convergence via moduli. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(2), , 173-178. (2015), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 153 YAMANCI Ulaş, GÜRDAL Mehmet, ON ASYMPTOTICALLY GENERALIZED STATISTICAL EQUIVALENT DOUBLE SEQUENCES VIA IDEALS. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(1), , 89-96. (2015), (Endekste taranmıyor)
  • 154 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Garayev Mubariz T., Saltan Suna, Yamanci Ulas, dist-FORMULAS AND TOEPLITZ OPERATORS. ANNALS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 6(1), , 221-226. Doi: 10.15352/afa/06-1-16, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 156 Savas Ekrem, GÜRDAL Mehmet, A generalized statistical convergence in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. SCIENCEASIA, 41(4), , 289-294. Doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2015.41.289, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 157 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Mubariz T Garayev, SALTAN SUNA, Some concrete operators and their properties. TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS , 970-989. Doi: 10.3906/mat-1502-48, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 158 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Garayev Mübariz, SALTAN SUNA, YAMANCI ULAŞ, On some numerical characteristics of operators. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 21(1), , 118-126. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajmsc.2014.05.001, (2015), (Diğer)
  • 159 GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, SALTAN SUNA, Generators of certain function Banach algebras and related question. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 9(1), , 85-88. Doi:, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 160 SAVAŞ EKREM, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Generalized statistically convergent Sequences of Functions in Fuzzy 2 Normed spaces. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 27(4), , 2067-2075. (2014), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 161 Savas Ekrem, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Certain summability methods in intuitionistic fuzzy normed spaces. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, 27(4), , 1621-1629. Doi: 10.3233/IFS-141128, (2014), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 162 Karaev Mubariz T., GÜRDAL Mehmet, Yamanci Ulas, SOME RESULTS RELATED WITH BEREZIN SYMBOLS AND TOEPLITZ OPERATORS. MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 17(3), , 1031-1045. Doi: 10.7153/mia-17-76, (2014), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 163 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I Statistical convergence in 2 normed space. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 20(1), , 41-47. Doi: 10.1016/j.ajmsc.2013.03.001, (2014), (Diğer)
  • 164 GÜRDAL MEHMET, HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, On I convergence of Double Sequences in the Topology Induced by Random 2 norms. Matematicki Vesnik, 66(1), , 73-83. (2014), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 165 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I-statistically pre-Cauchy double sequences. Global Journal Of Mathematical Analysis, 2(4), , 297-303. Doi: 10.14419/gjma.v2i4.3135, (2014), (Diğer)
  • 166 GÜRDAL MEHMET, sarı halil, Extremal A statistical limit points via ideals. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 22(1), , 55-58. Doi: 10.1016/j.joems.2013.06.005, (2014), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 167 YAMANCI uLAŞ, GÜRDAL Mehmet, SALTAN SUNA, AI statistical convergence with respect to a sequence of modulus functions. Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2(1), , 136-145. (2014), (Diğer)
  • 168 ADİLOĞLU ANAR, SALTAN SUNA, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Characterization of the Scattering Data for the Sturm Liouville Operator. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 37(17), , 2626-2637. (2014), (SCI)
  • 169 GÜRDAL Mehmet, KARAEV M, SALTAN SUNA, Basisity problem and weighted shift operators. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 34(5), , 1655-1660. (2014), (SCI)
  • 170 Karaev Muebariz Tapdigoglu, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Yamanci Ulas, SPECIAL OPERATOR CLASSES AND THEIR PROPERTIES. BANACH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, 7(2), , 74-85. Doi: 10.15352/bjma/1363784224, (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 171 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Lacunary Ideal Convergence in Random Normed Space. Journal of Mathematics , 1-8. Doi: 10.1155/2013/868457, (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 172 GÜNCAN AYŞENUR, YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Lacunary Statistical Limit Points in Random 2 Normed Spaces. ISRN Mathematical Analysis, 2013(2013), , 1-5. (2013), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 173 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Convergence in the Topology Induced by Random 2 normed Spaces. International Journal of Analysis, 2013(2013), , 1-7. Doi: 10.1155/2013/451762, (2013), (Diğer)
  • 174 GÜRDAL Mehmet, ŞÖHRET FİLİZ, On some operator equations in the space of analytic functions and related questions. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 62(2), , 81-87. (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 175 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Sahiner A., Statistical approximation with a sequence of 2-Banach spaces. MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 55(3), , 471-479. Doi: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.08.026, (2012), (SCI)
  • 176 Chalendar Isabella, Emanuella Fricain, GÜRDAL MEHMET, KARAEV MUBARIZ, Compactness and Berezin Symbols. Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) , 315-329. (2012), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 177 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Huban Birgül, YAMANCI ULAŞ, On generalized statistical limit points in random 2-normed spaces. AIP Conference Proceedings , 950-954. Doi: 10.1063/1.4756300, (2012), (SCI)
  • 178 GÜRDAL Mehmet, HUBAN BİRGÜL, I limit points in Random 2 normed spaces. Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science (TAMCS), 2(1), , 15-22. (2012), (Diğer)
  • 179 GÜRDAL Mehmet, YAMANCI ULAŞ, SALTAN SUNA, Generators of certain function Banach algebras and related questions. American Instutite of Physics Conference Proceedings (AIP), 1479(0), , 954-956. (2012), (SSCI)
  • 180 KARAEV MUBARİZ T, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Strongly splitting weighted shift operators on Banach spaces and unicellularity. Operators and Matrices, 5(1), , 157-171. Doi: 10.7153/oam-05-11, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 181 GÜRDAL Mehmet, On basisity problem in the spaces l A p D. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 32(1), , 59-64. Doi: 10.1080/01630563.2010.528569, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 182 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Connections between Deddens algebras and extended eigenvectors. MATHEMATICAL NOTES, 90(1), , 37-40. Doi: 10.1134/S0001434611070054, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 183 Sahiner Ahmet, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Yigit Tuba, Ideal convergence characterization of the completion of linear n-normed spaces. COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS , 683-689. Doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.12.015, (2011), (SCI)
  • 184 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Sohret Filiz, Some results for Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION , 789-793. Doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.01.069, (2011), (SCI)
  • 185 Karaev Mubariz, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Saltan Suna, Some applications of Banach algebra techniques. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN, 284(13), , 1678-1689. Doi: 10.1002/mana.200910129, (2011), (SCI)
  • 186 SALTAN SUNA, GÜRDAL Mehmet, Spectral multiplicities of some operators. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 56(6), , 513-520. Doi: 10.1080/17476933.2010.487207, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 187 KARAEV MUBARİZ T, GÜRDAL Mehmet, On the Berezin symbols and Toeplitz operators. Extracta Mathematicae, 25(1), , 83-102. (2010), (Diğer)
  • 188 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Sahiner Ahmet, Acik Isil, Approximation theory in 2-Banach spaces. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS, 71(5), , 1654-1661. Doi: 10.1016/, (2009), (SCI)
  • 189 GÜRDAL MEHMET, PEHLİVAN SERPİL, Statistical convergence in 2 normed spaces. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 33(2), , 257-264. (2009), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 190 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Description of extended eigenvalues and extended eigenvectors of integration operators on the Wiener algebra. Expositiones Mathematicae, 27(2), , 153-160. Doi: 10.1016/j.exmath.2008.10.006, (2009), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 191 Tian Chuan Jun, Cheng Sui Sun, GÜRDAL MEHMET, NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS FOR FREQUENT CAUCHY SEQUENCES. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 2(2), , 295-305. Doi: 10.1142/S1793557109000248, (2009), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 192 GÜRDAL Mehmet, On the extended eigenvalues and extended eigenvectors of shift operator on the Wiener algebra. Applied Mathematics Letters, 22(11), , 1727-1729. Doi: 10.1016/j.aml.2009.06.008, (2009), (SCI)
  • 193 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Acik Isil, On I-Cauchy sequences in 2-normed spaces. MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS, 11(7), , 349-354. Doi: 10.7153/mia-11-26, (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 194 GÜRDAL MEHMET, ŞAHİNER AHMET, Extremal I Limit Points of Double Sequences. Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 8(0), , 131-3137. (2008), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 195 GÜRDAL MEHMET, ŞAHİNER AHMET, New sequence spaces in n normed spaces with respect to an Orlicz function. The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics, 27(1), , 53-58. (2008), (Diğer)
  • 196 GÜRDAL MEHMET, ŞAHİNER AHMET, Ideal Convergence in n normed spaces and some new sequence spaces via n norm. Journal of Fundamental Sciences, 4(1), , 233-244. Doi: 10.11113/mjfas.v4n1.32, (2008), (Diğer)
  • 197 Nabiev Anar, Pehlivan Serpil, GÜRDAL Mehmet, On I-Cauchy sequences. TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 11(2), , 569-576. Doi: 10.11650/twjm/1500404709, (2007), (SCI)
  • 198 Sahiner A., GÜRDAL Mehmet, Saltan S., Gunawan H., Ideal convergence in 2-normed spaces. TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 11(5), , 1477-1484. (2007), (SCI)
  • 199 ŞAHİNER AHMET, GÜRDAL MEHMET, DÜDEN FATMA KADRİYE, Triple sequences and their statistical convergence. Selçuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, 8(2), , 49-55. (2007), (Diğer)
  • 200 GÜRDAL Mehmet, On ideal convergent sequences in 2-normed spaces. Thai Journal of Mathematics, 4(1), , 85-91. (2006), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 201 PEHLİVAN SERPİL, FISHER BRAIN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lacunary statistical cluster points of sequences. Mathematical Communications, 11(0), , 39-46. (2006), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 202 GÜRDAL Mehmet, mu Statistical Characterization of Completion of Normed and Inner Product Spaces. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 22(4), , 439-449. (2005), (Diğer)
  • 203 GÜRDAL Mehmet, The statistical convergence in 2-Banach spaces. Thai Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), , 107-113. (2004), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 204 GÜRDAL Mehmet, On Statistically Convergent Series of Functions. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 13(1), , 1-10. (2004), (Diğer)
  • 205 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Statistically pre Cauchy sequences and bounded moduli. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica, 7(2), , 3-7. (2003), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
  • 1 YÜCEL ORÇUN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Operatörlerin genelleştirilmiş Davis-Wielandt-Berezin Yarıçap Sınırları. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 2 Erkan Gamze Gül, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Operatörlerin Berezin Yarıçap Eşitsizliklerinin İlerletilmesi. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 3 YÜCEL ORÇUN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Genelleştirilmiş Davis-Wielandt Yarıçap Sınırları. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 4 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Certain aspects of rough deferred statistical cluster points of double sequences in 2-normed linear spaces. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 5 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some observations on quasi statistically rough convergence of double sequences in gradual normed linear spaces. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 6 KİŞİ ÖMER, Akbıyık Rümeysa, GÜRDAL MEHMET, New Convergence Definitions for Double Sequences in Intuitionistic Fuzzy G-Metric Spaces. 2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 7 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Almost Convergence of Triple Fuzzy Variable Sequences and their Interconnection in the Environment of Credibility. 2nd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 8 Erkan Gamze Gül, YÜCEL ORÇUN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin Yarıçapı için Üst Sınırlar. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research ICFAR (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 9 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On J-Statistical Convergence of sequences in Neutrosophic 2-Normed Spaces. 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research ICFAR (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 10 GÜRDAL MEHMET, AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, Some Results on Asymptotically Lacunary μ-Statistical Equivalence of Triple Difference Sequences in Probabilistic Normed Spaces. 3rd International Conference on Recent Academic Studies ICRAS 2024 (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 11 KİŞİ ÖMER, AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Inclusion Results for Almost Statistical Convergence of Complex Uncertain Double Sequences. 3 rd International Conference on Scientific and Innovative Studies (2024). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 12 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, Normal Operatörler İçin Berezin Sayı Eşitsizlikleri. 2nd International Conference on Innovative Academic Studies (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 13 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, KİŞİ ÖMER, G-metrik uzaylarda asimptotik lacunary istatistiksel denk diziler. 1 st International Conference of Frontiers in Academic Research (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 14 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Sharper Berezin radius inequality. The 13th Symposium on Generating Functions of Special Numbers and Polynomials and their applications (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 15 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Başaran Hamdullah, Sharper Inequalities for Berezin Radius powers. 1 st International Conference on Trends in Advanced Research (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 16 GÜRDAL MEHMET, YÜCEL ORÇUN, Power inequalities for the Berezin radius of operators in functional Hilbert spaces. 1st International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 17 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Applications of Alughte Transform for Berezin Radius Inequalities. 1st International Conference on Pioneer and Innovative Studies (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 18 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, G-metrik uzaylarda çift diziler ve yakınsama tanımları. 1st International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 19 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Application of operator matrices of 2x2 of Berezin Radius inequality. 1st International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 20 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin sayısı için genelleştirilmiş üst sınırlar. 1st International Conference on Recent and Innovative Results in Engineering and Technology (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 21 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, 𝑮-Metrik Uzaylarda Bazı Yakınsaklık Kavramları. 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 22 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Improvement of Berezin Radius inequalities via Specht's Ratio. 6th International HYBRID Conference on Mathematical Advances and Applications (ICOMAA 2023) (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 23 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Genelleştirilmiş Metrik Uzaylarda I-Lacunary İstatistiksel Yakınsaklık. 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences ICEANS 2023 Doi: 10.59287/as-proceedings.373, (2023). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 24 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Power Inequalities for the Berezin Radius of Operators. 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 25 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Fibonacci Lacunary Statistical Convergence of Double Sequences in Intuitionistic Fuzzy n-Normed Linear Spaces. 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 26 Tapdıgoğlu Ramiz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Altıntaş Mevlüt, Genişletilmiş Duhamel çarpımı Üzerine. 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences (2022). (Özet bildiri)
  • 27 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some improvement inequalities involving integral. 3rd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 28 YÜCEL ORÇUN, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Generalized Berezin Number Inequalities. 5th International E-Congerence On Mathematical Advances and Applications (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 29 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Upper Bounds of A-Berezin Number Inequalities. 5th International E-Congerence On Mathematical Advances and Applications (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 30 Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Berezin radius inequalities with improvement of Young inequality. 5th Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 31 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Certain aspects of rough I2-statistical convergence in cone metric spaces. The 5th Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas (MICOPAM 2022) (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 32 KOLANCI SAİME, GÜRDAL MEHMET, g-Metrik Uzaylarda Deferred İstatistiksel Yakınsaklık. 1st International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research (ICSAR) (2022). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 33 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lacunary statistical convergence for triple sequence in random 2-normed space. 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 34 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Arithmetic convergence of weighted density via ideal. 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 35 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Başaran Hamdullah, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Hölder-McCarthy Inequality and Berezin Transform. 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 36 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some generalizations of Berezin number inequalities. 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 37 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Lacunary I-Invariant Arithmetic Convergence of Weighted Density via Orlicz Functions. 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 38 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Generalized Statistical Convergence via Ideal in Cone Metric Spaces. 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2020). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 39 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, I-Statistical Limit Superior and I-Statistical Limit Inferior of Triple Sequences. 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICRAPAM2020) (2020). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 40 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, SAVAŞ EKREM, I-Statistically Localized Sequences of Weighted g via Modulus Functions in 2-Normed Space. 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2020). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 41 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, 2-Banach Uzaylarda f -İstatistiksel Yakınsaklık. Uluslararası Mühendislikte Yapay Zeka ve Uygulamalı Matematik Konferansı 2019 (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 42 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Tunç Remziye, I-statistical convergence in Linear n-normed spaces. International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Academic Studies (IMASES) (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 43 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, ON THE SUMMABILITY METHODS OF LOGARİTHMİC TYPE OF DOUBLE SEQUENCES. Bilge Kagan 2nd International Science Congress (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 44 GÜRDAL MEHMET, (A,I)-STATISTICAL CONVERGENCE. Bilge Kagan 2nd International Science Congress (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 45 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, A-statistical cluster points via ideals in finite dimensional spaces. Bilge Kagan 2nd International Science Congress (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 46 HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, I-statistical convergence of sequences of functions in n-normed spaces. Bilge Kagan 2nd International Science Congress (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 47 GÜRDAL MEHMET, YAMANCI ULAŞ, I-statistical convergence in n-normed spaces. 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 48 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Inverse Berezin number inequalities and related problems. 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (2019). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 49 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some Generalized inequalities for the Berezin number of operators, Bilge Kagan International Science Congrees (ISC-2018), Tam Metin Bildiri Kitabı, İdea Modern Yayın Evi (42178), 200-204, 2018.. Bilge Kagan International Science Congress (2018). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 50 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, AYTAR SALİH, Some results via de la Vallée-Poussin mean in probabilistic 2-normed spaces, Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics. The 2014 International Conference on Pure Mathematics-Applied Mathematics (2014). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 51 AYTAR SALİH, YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On Statistical Limit Points in a Fuzzy Valued Metric Space, Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics. The 2014 International Conference on Pure Mathematics-Applied Mathematics (2014). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 52 GÜRDAL MEHMET, SALTAN SUNA, Some results for some Volterra Composition Operators and Hardy Operators. 1 st International Western Balkans Conference of Mathematical Sciences (2013). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 53 Karaev Mübariz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, On some problems related with some special operator classes. 21st International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA 2010) (2010). (Özet bildiri)
  • 54 Karaev Mübariz, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Some results for the weighted shift operators on the Banach spaces. International Conference Analysis and its applications (ICAA-08) (2008). (Özet bildiri)
  • 56 AYTAR SALİH, GÜRDAL MEHMET, PEHLİVAN SERPİL, Statistical boundedness for sequences of fuzzy numbers. Tools for math. mod., The fourth Int. conference (2003). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 57 GÜRDAL Mehmet, AYTAR Salih, PEHLİVAN Serpil, A-STATISTICALLY PRE~CAUCHY SEQUENCES. The fourth International Conference (2003). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitaplarında (proceedings) Basılan Bildiriler
  • 1 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Söhret Filiz, On Some Operator Equations in The Space of Analytic Functions and Related Questions. TMD XXII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu Programı (2009). (Özet bildiri)
  • 2 Düden Kadriye, ŞAHİNER AHMET, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Completion of Linear 2-normed spaces. XIX. Ulusal Matematik sempozyumu (2006). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 3 AÇIK DEMİRCİ IŞIL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, ŞAHİNER AHMET, On the n-banach spaces. XIX. Ulusal Matematik sempozyumu (2006). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 4 GÜRDAL MEHMET, AYTAR SALİH, GÜNCAN AYŞE NUR, A Statistical limit points of real number sequence. XV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (2002). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 5 GÜNCAN AYŞE NUR, GÜRDAL MEHMET, AYTAR SALİH, Sonlu boyutlu uzaylarda istatistiksel yakinsaklik üzerine. XV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (2002). (Tam metin bildiri)
  • 6 GÜNCAN AYŞE NUR, AYTAR SALİH, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Rn de istatistiksel yakinsaklik üzerine. XIV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (2001). (Özet bildiri)
  • Kitap
  • 1 GÜRDAL MEHMET, Nazir Talat, Kalita Hementa, Summability, Fixed Point Theory and Generalized integrals with Applications(2025). Taylor Francis, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 GÜRDAL MEHMET, HUBAN MUALLA BİRGÜL, Advances in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications(2023). Routledge Taylor and Francis Group ( Chapman and Hall/CRC), Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 3 KİŞİ ÖMER, GÜRDAL MEHMET, GÜLER ERHAN, Soft Computing: Recent Advances and Applications in Engineering and Mathematical Sciences(2023). Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge and CRC Press, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 4 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Emerging Applications of Differential Equations and Game Theory(2020). IGI Global, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 5 YAMANCI ULAŞ, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering Problems. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 43.(2020). Springer International Publishing, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 6 GÜRDAL Mehmet, Savaş E., Mathematics and Computing(2018). Springer Nature, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 8 PEHLİVAN SERPİL, GÜRDAL MEHMET, Analiz Seriler(2011). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tümü, (ULUSAL)
  • 9 GÜRDAL Mehmet, ŞAHİNER A., Modern Methods in Analysis and Its Applications(2010). Anamaya Idc Publishers, Bölüm, ISBN: (ULUSLARARASI)
  • Editörlük
  • 1 Summability, Fixed Point Theory and Generalized integrals with Applications, Bilimsel Kitap, Editör, 02.01.2025 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, Dergi, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 (ULUSAL)
  • 3 Asian Journal of Algebra, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 03.12.2018 - 01.01.2022 (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 4 Advances in Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory, Dergi, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 16.09.2014 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 5 Universal Journal of Computational Mathematics, Dergi, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 18.05.2013 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 6 Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 20.09.2014 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 7 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 04.04.2017 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 8 The Journal of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 06.12.2018 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 9 Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 01.01.2018 - 31.05.2018 (ULUSAL)
  • 10 Theory and Applications of Mathematics Computer Science, Araştırma Kitabı, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği, 05.05.2012 - Devam Ediyor (ULUSLARARASI)
  • Yönetilen Tez
  • 1 Yücel Orçun, Dragomir-Furuta Eşitsizliği İle İlgili Bazı Berezin Yarıçap Eşitsizlikleri, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 11.07.2024. Yüksek Lisans
  • 2 Başaran Hamdullah, Üretici Çekirdekli Hilbert Uzaylarında Berezin Dönüşümü İle İlgili Bazı Operatör Eşitsizlikleri, Fonksiyonel Analiz, Operatör Teori ve Matematiksel Analiz, 01.08.2023. Doktora
  • 3 Altıntaş Mevlüt, Duhamel Banach Cebir Yapısı ve Duhamel Çarpımının Bazı Uygulamaları, Bu yüksek lisans tez çalışması Duhamel çarpımının uygulama alanları ve bazı uzayların Banach cebir yapısı ile ilgilidir., 30.06.2022. Yüksek Lisans
  • 4 Sarı Nur, Birim yuvardaki ağırlıklı bergman uzayı üzerinde riccati operatör denklemleri, Fonksiyonel analiz, 01.08.2021. Yüksek Lisans
  • 5 Duman Nazan, Süperkuadratik fonksiyonlar ve berezin sayı eşitsizlikleri, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2021. Yüksek Lisans
  • 6 Ayyıldız Meral, Riemann-Liouville kesirli integral operatörünün invaryant altuzayları, Operatör teori, 01.05.2021. Yüksek Lisans
  • 7 Tunç Remziye, Üretici çekirdekli hilbert uzaylarında özeşlenik operatörlerin fonksiyonları için Grüss tipli eşitsizlikler ilgili sonuçlar, operatör teorisi, 01.05.2020. Yüksek Lisans
  • 8 Yangöz Cavit Mustafa, Kantorovıch tipli eşitsizlikler ve berezin sayı eşitsizlikleri, Matematiksel Analiz, 01.05.2020. Yüksek Lisans
  • 9 Başaran Hamdullah, Bazı operatör eşitsizlikleri ve onların uygulamaları, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2019. Yüksek Lisans
  • 10 Tilki Havva, Banach cebirlerinin bazı Deddens alt uzayları, Operatör Teori, 01.05.2018. Yüksek Lisans
  • 11 Huban Mualla Birgül, Engliš operatör cebirleri ve ilgili problemler, Operatör teori, 01.05.2018. Doktora
  • 12 Okudan Arzu, Berezin sayıları için kuvvet eşitsizliği, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2017. Yüksek Lisans
  • 13 Kıncı Ayşe Nazlı, Süreksiz katsayılı Sturm-Liouville operatörü için spektral analizin bazı problemleri, Operatör teori, 01.05.2017. Yüksek Lisans
  • 14 Özgür Mehmet Onur, Genelleştirilmiş modulüs istatistiksel yakınsaklık, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2016. Yüksek Lisans
  • 15 Yamancı Ulaş, Berezin sembolü ve bazı uygulamaları, Operatör teori, 01.05.2016. Doktora
  • 16 Değer Hasret, Berezin sembolleri ve abel yakınsaklık ile ilgili bazı sonuçlar, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2014. Yüksek Lisans
  • 17 Sarı Halil, Extremal A-statistical limit points via ideals, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2014. Yüksek Lisans
  • 18 Güntürk Banu, Hiperstone uzaylar ve bazı uygulamaları, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2014. Doktora
  • 19 Huban Mualla Birgül, Olasılıksal 2-normlu uzaylarda bazı yakınsaklık tipleri, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2012. Yüksek Lisans
  • 20 Yamancı Ulaş, Berezin sembolleri ve toeplitz operatörleri ile ilgili bazı sonuçlar, Fonksiyonel analiz, 01.05.2012. Yüksek Lisans
  • 21 Yılmaz Filiz Şöhret , AX=?XA tipindeki operatör denklemlerin çözümü hakkında, Operatör Teori, 01.05.2010. Yüksek Lisans
  • 22 Açık Işıl, 2-Banach uzayları, Fonksiyonel Analiz, 01.05.2007. Yüksek Lisans
  • Yüksek Lisans Tezi
  •   Non-Archimedean Banach Uzaylar Üzerinde Sonsuz Matrisler
  • Doktora Tezi
  •   Bazı Yakınsaklık Tipleri
Analitik Fonksiyonların Hilbert Uzayları
Banach Uzayları
Bitirme Ödevi I
Bitirme Ödevi II
Bitirme Ödevi-II
Fonksiyon Uzaylarında Operatör Teori
Fonksiyonel Analiz I
Fonksiyonel Analiz II
Hardy-Hilbert Uzayında Operatörlere Giriş
Hilbert Uzayında Sınırlı Lineer Operatörler
Kalkülüs I
Kalkülüs II
Kompleks Fonksiyonlar Teorisi I
Kompleks Fonksiyonlar Teorisi II
Lineer 2-Normlu Uzaylar
Matematik I
Matematik II
Matris ve Liner Dönüşümler
Operatör Teori ve Berezin Sembolleri
Öğretmenlik Uygulaması
Seminer I (Doktora)
Seminer I (Yüksek Lisans)
Seminer II (Doktora)
Tez (Doktora)
Tez (Yüksek Lisans)
Toeplitz ve Hankel Operatörlerine Giriş
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi I (Doktora)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi I (Yüksek Lisans)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi II (Yüksek Lisans)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi III (Yüksek Lisans)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi IV (Yüksek Lisans)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi V (Doktora)
Uzmanlık Alan Dersi VII (Doktora)
Üretici Çekirdekli Hilbert Uzaylarında Operatör Teori
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