Adı Soyadı Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çağrı SAVAŞ
Birimi Tıp Fakültesi
Bölüm Cerrahi Tıp Bilimleri Bölümü
Ana Bilim Dalı Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı
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ORCID ID 0000-0001-6454-5323
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Bu sayfadaki kişisel verilerin görünürlüğü KVKK 8. madde hükmü uyarınca ilgili kişinin açık rızası kapsamındadır. Kişisel verilerinizin görünürlüğünü veya hali hazırdaki verilerinizi Personel Bilgi Sistemi (PBS) ve Akademik Bilgi Sistemi (ABS) üzerinden düzenleyebilirsiniz.
Yüksek Lisans İSTANBUL ÜNİVERSİTESİ TIP 31.07.1991
Doktora SAĞLIK BAKANLIĞI 11.12.1996
Laparoskopik Cerrahi
  • Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 Duman Levent, KARAİBRAHİMOĞLU Adnan, Büyükyavuz Behçet Ilker, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Diagnostic value of monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratio against other biomarkers in children with appendicitis. Pediatric Emergency Care, 38(2), , 739-742. Doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000002347, (2022), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 2 ARMAĞAN HAMİT HAKAN, DUMAN LEVENT, CESUR ÖZKAN, KARAİBRAHİMOĞLU ADNAN, BİLALOĞLU EMİNE, HATİP AHMET YUNUS, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Comparative Analysis of Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Appendicitis Among Children and Adults. Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 27(5), , 526-533. Doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2020.47880, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 3 DUMAN LEVENT, CESUR ÖZKAN, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, Bladder exstrophy with exstrophic rectal duplication in an infant: An extremely rare case. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery, 18(2), , 97-98. Doi: 10.4103/ajps.AJPS_89_20, (2021), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 4 KART YELİZ, BİLALOĞLU EMİNE, ERTUĞRUL MUHAMMED AKİF, DUMAN LEVENT, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Bronchoscopy for Foreign Body Aspiration. Northwestern Medical Journal, 1(2), , 42-47. Doi: 10.5222/NWMJ.2021.28291, (2021), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 5 DUMAN LEVENT, CESUR ÖZKAN, KUMBUL DOĞUÇ DUYGU, ÇELİK SEDA, KARAİBRAHİMOĞLU ADNAN, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, Diagnostic value of serum pentraxin 3 level in children with acute appendicitis. Kare Publishing, 26(5), , 699-704. Doi: 10.14744/tjtes.2020.23258, (2020), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 6 SEYDİM ATIF CAN, SEYDİM ZEYNEP BANU, KUMBUL DOĞUÇ DUYGU, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, BUDAK HAVVA NİLGÜN, Effects of grape wine and apple cider vinegar on oxidative and antioxidative status in high cholesterol fed rats. Functional Foods in Health and Disease, 6(9), , 569-577. (2016), (ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index)
  • 7 Ceyhan L, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Baspinar S, Duman L, Buyukyavuz BI, The correlation between preputial blood flow and microvessel density in distal hypospadias Aprospective clinical study. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 10(1), , 103-106. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2013.07.003., (2014), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 8 DUMAN Levent, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Aktas Aykut, Akcam Mustafa, Choledochoduodenal fistula: An unusual cause of recurrent cholangitis in children. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 19(3), , 172-174. Doi: 10.4103/0971-9261.136479, (2014), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 9 DUMAN LEVENT, BÜYÜKYAVUZ BEHÇET İLKER, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, AKÇAM MUSTAFA, SANDAL GONCA, AKTAŞ AYKUT RECEP, Early diagnostic clues in neonatal chronic gastric volvulus. Japanese Journal of Radiology, 31(5), , 401-404. Doi: 10.1007/s11604-013-0213-9, (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 10 BUDAK HAVVA NİLGÜN, KUMBUL DOĞUÇ DUYGU, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, SEYDİM ATIF CAN, KÖK TAŞ TUĞBA, SEYDİM ZEYNEP BANU, Effects of Apple Cider Vinegars Produced with Different Techniques on Blood Lipids in High-Cholesterol-Fed Rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 6638-6644. Doi: 10.1021/jf104912h, (2011), (SCI)
  • 11 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Kapucuoglu Nilgün, Başpinar Şirin, Gürsoy Kevser, The microvessel density of the hypospadiac prepuce in children. J Pediatr Urol, 7(2), , 162-165. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2010.04.017, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 12 DUMAN Levent, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ceyhan Levent, An unusual cause of intestinal obstruction in aninfant phytobezoar within a Meckel diverticulum. J Pediatr Surg, 46(8), , 1678-1679. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2011.03.081, (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 13 Büyükyavuz Behçet Ilker, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Duman Levent, Efficacy of lanolin and bovine type I collagen in the treatment of childhood anal fissures a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. Surg Today, 40(8), , 752-756. Doi: 10.1007/s00595-009-4141-3, (2010), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 14 SAVAŞ Serpil, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Altuntas I, Adiloglu A, The correlation between nitric oxide and vascular endothelial growth factor in spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 46(2), , 113-117. (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 15 SAVAŞ Serpil, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Altuntas I., Adiloglu A., SAVAŞ Serpil, The correlation between nitric oxide and vascular endothelial growth factor in spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 46(2), , 113-117. Doi: 10.1038/, (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 16 Ozguner IF, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozguner M, Candir O, Intestinal atresia with segmental musculature and neural defect. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 40(8), , 1232-1237. Doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2005.05.032, (2005), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 17 OKUTAN HÜSEYİN, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DELİBAŞ NAMIK, The antioxidant effect of melatonin in lung injury after aortic occlusion?reperfusion. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 3(3), , 519-522. Doi: 10.1016/j.icvts.2004.05.005, (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 18 Okutan H, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozguner IF, Yonden Z, Eren VC, Delibas N, Lung injuryafter aortic occlusion reperfusion in rats the role of gadolinium chloride. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203(4), , 267-273. Doi: 10.1620/tjem.203.267, (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 19 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Buyukyavuz BI, Savas MC, The influence of delay on perforation in childhood appendicitis A retrospective analysis of 58 cases. Saudi Medical Journal, 25(9), , 1232-1236. (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 20 Okutan H, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Delibas N, The antioxidant effect of melatonin in lung injury after aortic occlusion reperfusion. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 3(3), , 519-522. Doi: 10.1016/j.icvts.2004.05.005, (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 21 OKUTAN HÜSEYİN, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DELİBAŞ NAMIK, The antioxidant effect of melatonin in lung injury after aortic occlusion?reperfusion. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 3(3), , 519-522. Doi: 10.1016/j.icvts.2004.05.005, (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 22 OKUTAN HÜSEYİN, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DELİBAŞ NAMIK, The antioxidant effect of melatonin in lung injury after aortic occlusion?reperfusion. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, 3(3), , 519-522. Doi: 10.1016/j.icvts.2004.05.005, (2004), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 23 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozguner M, Ozguner IF, Delibas N, Splenectomy attenuates intestinal ischemia reperfusion induced acute lung injury. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 30(10), , 1465-1470. Doi: 10.1016/S0022-3468(03)00497-4, (2003), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 24 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozguner M, Ozguner F, Delibas N, The effects of human chorionic gonadotropin treatment on the contralateral side in unilateral testiculartorsion. Int Urol Nephrol, 35(2), , 237-245. Doi: 10.1023/B:UROL.0000020288.58686.5b, (2003), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 25 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozogul C, Karaoz E, Delibas N, Ozguner F, Splenectomy reduces remote organ damage after intestinal ischaemia reperfusion injury. Acta Chir Belg, 103(3), , 315-320. Doi: 10.1080/00015458.2003.11679431, (2003), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 26 SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DİNDAR HÜSEYİN, Bilgehan Ayşe, Ataoğlu Ömür, YÜCESAN SELÇUK, Pentoxifylline Attenuates Reperfusion Injury in Testicular Torsion. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 36(1), , 65-70. Doi: 10.1080/003655902317259391, (2002), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 27 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Delibas N, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Sutcu R, Cindas A, Pentoxifylline reduces biochemical markers of ischemia reperfusion induced spinal cord injury in rabbits. Spinal Cord, 40(5), , 224-229. (2002), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 28 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Dindar H., Bilgehan A., Ataoglu O., Yucesan S., Pentoxifylline Attenuates Reperfusion Injury in Testicular Torsion. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 36(1), , 65-70. Doi: 10.1080/003655902317259391, (2002), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 29 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Dindar H., Bilgehan A., Ataoglu O., Yucesan S., Pentoxifylline Attenuates Reperfusion Injury in Testicular Torsion. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 36(1), , 65-70. Doi: 10.1080/003655902317259391, (2002), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 30 YÜCESAN SELÇUK, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DİNDAR HÜSEYİN, The effect of electromagnetic field on undescended testis after orchiopexy. International Urology and Nephrology, 33(1), , 87-93. Doi: 10.1023/A:1014473407519, (2001), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 31 Cakmak M, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Ozbasar D, Candir O, Kaya H, Caglayan F, Congenital vulvar teratoma in a newborn. J Pediatr Surg, 36(4), , 620-621. Doi: 10.1053/jpsu.2001.22302, (2001), (SCI-Expanded)
  • 32 SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, DİNDAR HÜSEYİN, YÜCESAN SELÇUK, Pentoxifylline improves blood flow to both testes in testicular torsion. International Urology and Nephrology, 33(1), , 81-85. (2001), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 33 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Candir O, Bezir M, Cakmak M, Ectopic adrenocortical nodules along the spermatic cord of children. International Urology and Nephrology, 32(4), , 681-685. (2001), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 34 SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Aras T, Cakmak M, Bilgehan A, Ataoğlu O, Turkozkan N, Ozguner F, Yucesan S, Dindar H, Pentoxifylline inhibits overflow and reduces intestinalreperfusion injury. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 32(6), , 905-910. Doi: 10.1016/S0022-3468(97)90648-5, (1997), (SCI-Expanded)
  • Ulusal Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
  • 1 KART YELİZ, BİLALOĞLU EMİNE, DUMAN LEVENT, BÜYÜKYAVUZ BEHÇET İLKER, SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, Çocuk Cerrahisi Servisinde Travma Nedeniyle Takip Edilen Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi: Geriye Yönelik 5 Yıllık Çalışma. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(4), , 537-541. Doi: 10.17343/sdutfd.811488, (2021), (Alan Endeksleri)
  • 2 Dindar H, Kanmaz T, Cakmak M, SAVAŞ Mustafa Çağrı, Yucesan S, The split notochord syndrome with dorsal enteric fistula meningomyelocele and imperforate anus. TURKISH JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS, 41(1), , 147-150. (1999), (SCI-Expanded)
  • Kitap
  • 1 SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, Hipospadias Cerrahisinde Üretrokutanöz Fistül Onarım Teknikleri(2023). US Akademi, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
  • 2 SAVAŞ MUSTAFA ÇAĞRI, Hipospadias Cerrahisinde Üretrokutanöz Fistül Onarım Teknikleri(2023). US Akademi, Bölüm, (ULUSLARARASI)
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