Adı Soyadı | Prof. Dr. Ali BOLATTÜRK |
Birimi | Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi |
Bölüm | Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü |
Ana Bilim Dalı | Termodinamik Anabilim Dalı |
Telefon | 2462111234 |
E-Posta | E-Posta Adresini Göster |
ORCID ID | 0000-0003-3661-5704 |
Akademik Hesaplar | |
Google Scholar |
Hindex: 14 Alıntı Sayısı: 2003 |
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- Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler
- 1 KURTULUŞ KARANİ, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, COŞKUN AHMET, GÜREL Barış, An experimental investigation of the cooling and heating performance of a gravity die casting mold with conformal cooling channels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 194(117105), Doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117105, (2021), (SCI-Expanded)
- 2 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, İPEK OSMAN, KURTULUŞ KARANİ, KAN MEHMET, Design of Conformal Cooling Channels Using Numerical Methods in a Metal Mold and Calculating Exergy Destruction in Channels. Scientia Iranica, 26(6), , 3255-3261. Doi: 10.24200/SCI.2018.50090.1502, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
- 3 İPEK OSMAN, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, KAN MEHMET, KURTULUŞ KARANİ, Investigation of Transient Numerical Simulation of Solidification and Thermal Behavior of Metal Molds with Conformal Cooling Channels. Scientia Iranica, 26(6), , 3325-3333. Doi: 10.24200/sci.2018.50988.1953, (2019), (SCI-Expanded)
- 4 KURTULUŞ KARANİ, COŞKUN AHMET, AMEEN SHADAN, YILMAZ CEYHUN, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Thermoeconomic analysis of a CO 2 compression system using waste heat into the regenerative organic Rankine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management , 588-598. Doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.05.037, (2018), (SCI-Expanded)
- 5 Sedeeq Murad Saeed, shadan ameen, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Environmental Impact and Life Cycle Assessment of Economically Optimized Thermal Insulation Materials for Different Climatic Region in Iraq. International Journa l of Engineering Technology (IJET), 7(4), , 163-167. Doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.37.24094, (2018), (Alan Endeksleri)
- 6 Shadan Ameen, Sedeeq Murad Saeed, BOLATTÜRK Ali, Investigation of Wind Energy to Generate Electric Power and its Role to Reduce Environmental Pollution in Iraq. International Journa l of Engineering Technology (IJET) , 33-38. Doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.37.23610, (2018), (Alan Endeksleri)
- 7 COŞKUN AHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, KANOĞLU MEHMET, Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of various power cycles for a geothermal resource. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(6), , 850-856. Doi: 10.1080/15567036.2013.805285, (2016), (SCI)
- 8 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, COŞKUN AHMET, ÇAĞLAR GEREDELİOĞLU, Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of Cayirhan thermal power plant. Energy Conversion and Management , 371-378. Doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2015.05.072, (2015), (SCI-Expanded)
- 9 COŞKUN AHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, KANOĞLU MEHMET, Thermodynamic and economic analysis and optimization of power cycles for a medium temperature geothermal resource. Energy Conversion and Management, 78(1), , 39-49. Doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2013.10.045, (2014), (SCI-Expanded)
- 10 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, CÜNEYT DAĞIDIR, Determination Of Optımum Insulation Thickness For Buildings In Hot Climate Regions By Considering Solar Radiation (Güneş Radyasyonu Dikkate Alınarak Sıcak İklim Bölgelerindeki Binalarda Optimum Yalıtım Kalınlığının Belirlenmesi). ISI Bilimi ve Teknigi Dergisi-Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 33(1), , 87-99. (2013), (SCI-Expanded)
- 11 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, YILMAZ CEYHUN, KANOĞLU MEHMET, Mohamed Gadalla, Economics of hydrogen production and liquefaction by geothermal energy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(2), , 2058-2069. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.06.037, (2012), (SCI-Expanded)
- 12 DAĞIDIR CÜNEYT, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Sıcak İklim Bölgelerindeki Binalarda Isıtma ve Soğutma Yüküne Göre Tespit Edilen Optimum Yalıtım Kalınlıklarının Karşılaştırılması. ISI BILIMI VE TEKNIGI DERGISI-JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 17(124), , 64-77. (2011), (SCI-Expanded)
- 13 KANOĞLU MEHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, YILMAZ CEYHUN, Thermodynamic analysis of models used in hydrogen production by geothermal energy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(16), , 8783-8791. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.05.128, (2010), (SCI)
- 14 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Optimum insulation thicknesses for building walls with respect to cooling and heating degree hours in the warmest zone of Turkey. Building and Environment, 43(6), , 1055-1064. Doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2007.02.014, (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
- 15 KANOĞLU MEHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Performance and parametric investigation of a binary geothermal power plant by exergy. Renewable Energy, 33(11), , 2366-2374. Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2008.01.017, (2008), (SCI-Expanded)
- 16 KANOĞLU MEHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, ALTUNTOP NECDET, Effect of ambient conditions on the first and second law performance of an open desiccant cooling process. Renewable Energy, 32(6), , 931-946. Doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2006.04.001, (2007), (SCI-Expanded)
- 17 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, KANOĞLU MEHMET, COŞKUN AHMET, Thermodynamic Evaluation of First and Second Law Performance of Evaporative Cooling Schemes for Regenerative Gas Turbines. Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, 25(3), , 227-246. Doi: 10.1260/014459807782009196, (2007), (SCI-Expanded)
- 18 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, KANOĞLU MEHMET, An Investigation of Energy Versus Exergy Based Optimization for Power Cycles. Energy, Exploration & Exploitation, 24(4), , 243-257. Doi: 10.1260/014459806779398776, (2006), (SCI-Expanded)
- 19 BOLATTÜRK ALİ, Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building walls with respect to various fuels and climate zones in Turkey. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(11), , 1301-1309. Doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2005.10.019, (2006), (SCI-Expanded)
- 20 TARIK ÖZKAHRAMAN, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, The use of tuff stone cladding in buildings for energy conservation. Construction and Building Materials, 20(7), , 435-440. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2005.01.064, (2006), (SCI-Expanded)
- 21 YUMRUTAŞ RECEP, KANOĞLU MEHMET, BOLATTÜRK ALİ, MEHMET ŞİRİN BEDİR, Computational model for a ground coupled space cooling system with an underground energy storage tank. Energy and Buildings, 37(4), , 353-360. Doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2004.07.004, (2005), (SCI-Expanded)